Chapter Eleven

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Sorry, really crappy, but i had to write. :/

Happy Holidays! :D

Ross' Chapter:

“Call you when I get home?” I asked with a smile as Roxy and I stood in the middle of her driveway, my hand still snaked around her waist. She bit her lip and nodded her head.

“I'll be waiting for it.” I smiled, gave her one more kiss before walking back to my car. All the way home I had a stupid smile on my face. And for the life of me, I have no idea who I got a great girl like Roxy to be my girlfriend.

“Hello?” I called through the seemingly empty house when I walked in.

“In here!” I heard one of my older brother's voice coming from the computer room. I grabbed a glass of ice cold water before following the voice. I walked into Rocky working o another song.

“Where's everybody else?” I asked, spinning myself into the chair next to him. Without looking away from the computer, Rocky told me that the rest of the family went to the mall.

“Where'd you go?” Rocky asked, barely glancing at me.

Instead of answering, I asked my own questions. “Where you nervous when you met Sunny's parents?”

That caught his attention, Rocky now gave me his full attention. “Are you kidding me? I was freaking out,” he slapped my knee. “You should know, you were there, remember.” I nodded, proving that I did remember that night in Chicago where our family met hers. Rocky looked at me, a hint of a smirk hid behind his lips. “Why, does Roxy want you to meet her family?”

I shook my head. “I just met them.”

His eyebrows went up in confusion. “Than why are you asking me?”

I shrugged. “I just always thought when you met a girl's family, you should be nervous.” And that's what I have always thought. When Rocky met Avery's family, I was scared for him. “Maybe there's something wrong with me.”

My older brother gave a sincere smile. “Ross, just because you weren't scared to meet her family, doesn't mean there's something wring with you. It just means you're so happy in your relationship that you aren't scared to meet her parents.”

“Then why were you scared to meet Sunny's family?” I challenged. Cause I know for a fact that they were really happy with their relationship, anybody could see it.

“Do I have to keep reminding you guys?!” Rocky exclaimed, making me laugh. “Her dad's a friken marine! He scares the crap out of me!”

Suddenly I remember something, causing me to stop laughing. “When are you going to meet her real dad?”

Rocky stopped laughing to, he dropped his head. “Um, Sunny and I are thinking about going over to his house when she gets back into town next weekend.”

“How's she doing with that?” I whispered without looking Rocky straight in the eyes.

“Uh, I mean,” Rocky sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “She's still really struggling.” He started to explain. “She grew up for seventeen years not knowing the truth, now all she's trying to do is understand what's going on.” He gave me a sad smile. “And I'm gonna be there for her every step of the way.”


When I finally to my bed, I whipped out my cell phone from its home in my back pocket. Without even looking at the number pad, I already had Roxy's number dialing.

Hey it's Roxy. You know the drill, leave a message at the beep. I listened to my girlfriend's voice as the call went to voice mail. Weird, I thought to myself. It really didn't surprised when she didn't answer. Roxy told me that she did have a test she need to study for tomorrow. So I decided to leave her a message before going to bed.

“Hey Rox, just called to say goodnight.” I smiled to myself. “Sweet dreams.” Even though the words were coming out of my mouth, I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong...


Next morning I woke up with a smile on my face, that was until I realized it was Monday. Gah, why do we even have this day?!

I finally rolled out of my bed about fifteen minutes later. Took a quick shower, threw some clothes on, and walked down the stairs where mom was making pancakes for breakfast.

“Morning.” I walked over to her and gave her a peck on the check.

“Morning sweetie.” She said, placing a plate of pancakes in my hands. I grabbed the syrup and sat down at the table next to Riker. Even though he didn't say anything, I know he knew that I met Roxy's family.

“Soooo, how it go?” Riker asked in a sing song voice, wagging his eyebrows. I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged him. “What? I'm just asking how it went.”

“How'd what go?” Mom asked, sitting across the table from us. Riker hit me under the table. I took a deep breath as I explained to my mom that last night I met Roxy's family. “Oh, how'd it go?” My mom glowed as she started to sound like my oldest brother.

“It actually went really good.” I blushed as I talked to them about meeting my girlfriend's family. I didn't think it was a big deal, but I guess I was way wrong. “I met her parents Michael and Grace, they were pretty cool. And I met all five of her other brothers and sisters.”

“Aw, we should all have dinner together sometime.” Mom suggested with a cheery smile. I forced a smile on my face and nodded my head, but honestly, I don't think that's gonna be happening any time soon.

“I should get going or else I'm gonna be late.” I gave my mom another kiss before walking to my car. Blasting the latest song from Neon Trees, I drove through downtown LA.

Ring, Ring. I looked down to my phone to see Raini calling me. “Hello?” I answered the phone, pulling into the studio parking lot.

“Hey Ross, they pushed back call time an hour.”One of my good friends spoke with a smile. I thanked her, but still parked my car in my usual spot. Instead of running in to work like I always do, I walked across the street to the local coffee shop.

“Can I get two hot chocolates please?” I asked the barista as I pulled out my wallet. After paying the lady behind the counter, I walked back to the place where I first saw the lovely girl who I now call mine.

But when I walked up to the corner, I was nothing like the first day. Instead it was just a plain old corner, dozens of people walking past each other, with vacant stares in their eyes. I looked around the crosswalk, trying to see if Roxy moved her preforming spot. But nothing, I couldn't see her anywhere.

On a pure hunch, I called Pierce. It was a real surprise when he answered on the third ring. “Do you know what time it is?” With a mixture of sleepy voice and annoyance, his words came out pretty harsh. “What do you want Ross?”

“Have you talked to Roxy lately?” I said, you could hear the worry in my voice.

“Hey buddy,” Pierce spoke with sarcasm. “ever think that she was avoiding you? That she doesn't want to talk with you?”

No, the idea didn't cross my mind. Roxy and I were happy in our relationship. “Have you talked to her or not?” I barely gritted through my teeth, I was taking all my might not to just strangle this guy through the phone.

My former best friend sighed. “No, I haven't talked to her.” Wordlessly I hung up the phone, running my fingers through my blond hair.

“Where are you Roxy?” I whispered to myself, full of concern.


Where do you think Roxy is?

Let me know what you think :D

Lots of love - Raz


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