
16 2 9

Tw: yandere, murder, blood, knives, possessive behaviour ig

"Shiota!" Karma exclaimed in shock and horror as he saw the familiar blue hair. The red head was frozen, eyes wide, shaking and trembling all over as he stared at the man he onced loved. Karma went to take a step but Nagisa turnt to him so suddenly it made him stumble back. He got caught and fell into the wall. He glanced at the side, squeezing his wyes shut, praying, begging, pleading. Yet it was all in his mind, the dark alley was silent. Until it wasn't.

"My, my. I didn't want you to see this," Nagisa mused, more to himself and wiped his blood stained on his waistcoat and trousers. As the shorter male stepped over to Karma, he instinctively looked at Nagisa and immediately felt bile rise in his throat as he saw the dead body of Nakamura behind his boyfriend. "Rio-!" He yelled before he was cut off.

Nagisa shoved Karma against the wall, knife pressed against his neck. "I wouldn't say anything, my beautiful little flower, she's gone~ i'm the only one you have left~" Shiota let out a little laugh and tugged Karma's head back to expose his neck.  "I think.. I think it's super unfair how much of your skin is perfect.., don't you?" He chuckled, pressing his knife harder on his skin, not enough to make a cut though. Karma whimpered helplessly and went to push him away. He was bigger then Nagisa yet the blue haired male let go of his hair and grabbed his hands.

"Tch... Karma, really? You won't ever learn... and that makes me really upset.." he pouted. "And you don't want to know what happens when I get mad," he growled, causing Karma's eyes to widen. "Shiota, le-lets talk about this, ye-yeah? Put the knife down and we can go home, have some coffee, i'll make dinner-" Karma was rambling and Nagisa wasn't impressed. A perfect eyebrow arched and Karma went quiet again.

Yes, Nagisa had bloodlust. But Karma didn't think it would go towards their friends and certainly not himself. He had thought that after he had killed Koro-Sensei, it would've gone. Karma hated his boyfriend being violent, he hated the sadistic look, he hated his rough actions. He hated being treated as if he was some toy! Karma wouldn't allow this to happen, he wouldn't let himself be pushed around, no way.

A cold sweat swept over him.

"Isogai.. Maehara.. Sugino.. Kayano.. You killed all of them?!" Karma sobbed, his knees buckling under him and Nagisa threw the knife down to pick Karma up and hold him. "Sh, sh.. it's okay, Karma. We'll be safe, I took extra care so I wouldn't be caught. And besides, why live in pain when you can be peaceful. Now now, enough with the tears!" Nagisa exclaimed, growing frustrated. "Lets go home, that'll calm you down, right?" He sighed and placed Karma on the ground, placing his knife in his pocket.

Shiota pulled away to peek out of the alley, it was dark, the crescent moon barely visible past the clouds and there were hardly any stars about. He smiled to himself and looked back. "Ready?!" Karma nodded shakily and stood. He couldn't look at Rio. "I'm so sorry.." he whispered and walked out into the night with his murdering boyfriend.

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