Obey Me! (SWD)

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Tw: slight internalised homophobia, unknowingly misgendering someone (say if I missed any)

“Barbatos! You’ve been awfully quiet tonight,” Diavolo spoke, looking behind him slightly to catch a glimpse of his Butler. The green haired demon smiled a light and obviously practiced smile before going to answer their lord, only to get interrupted. “Isn’t he always like that though?” The Avatar of Lust mused, looking up from fixing his hair. “He doesn’t talk unless spoken to, or at least I've never had a conversation with him,” Asmodeus huffed, still trying to find a chance to charm Barbatos. Sighing, Lucifer placed his head in his hands, rubbing his temples. “Asmodeus, Lord Diavolo has been kind enough to invite us to the castle for dinner. Barbatos has done nothing wrong to you, please leave him be.” The oldest shot an apologetic look at the pair.

Diavolo let out a hearty laugh and smiled, shaking his head. “Not to worry, Lucifer! It’s all in good fun, right, Barbatos?” Said demon nodded their head in agreement, trying to stop the pangs in their chest when they heard ‘he’. They hadn’t told anyone, why would they? It wasn’t important, they were being ridiculous. Besides, they hated attention and telling people would only bring them attention. Instead, they bowed politely and left, retreating to the kitchen. Simeon looked slightly concerned for the steward but was quickly pulled into a conversation with Lucifer and Diavolo, leaving him no time to worry. Despite Lucifer worrying before, he didn’t seem to pay any attention to the butler’s quick leave.

Mammon had gotten into an argument with Levi over a rare Ruri-Chan figurine (Mammon said he won it while Levi insisted it had been stolen from his room), Satan was trying to read, Asmo looking into his mirror to reapply make up, Solomon watching him with a small smile and Beel stealing food of Belphie’s plate, who was (obviously) asleep. Luke looked around at them all, seeing they were preoccupied, before pushing himself off his chair and following Barbatos into the kitchen. While everyone teased the young angel, calling him a chihuahua and treating him ‘too much’ like a child, Barbatos had taken time to befriend him, teach him how to bake and help him around the Devildom. Luke thought it was unfair how no one noticed their leave. Didn’t Barbatos deserve attention too? Even if the demons didn’t think so, Luke certainly did.

“Barb?” The small voice forced Barbatos to look over, a genuine smile gracing their features. “Ah, Luke! Are you okay?” They asked, unclasping their hands and watching as the small angel make his way over. Barbatos cared deeply for Luke, seeing him as a son, in a way. They knew that Luke didn’t like it down in the Devildom, so they made it their mission to make him as comfortable as possible. Thus, that was what the situation so endearing. Barbatos cared so much for Luke, it shocked them that Luke cared for them back. Any words died in their throat as Luke threw his arms around them, cuddling them close and resting his own face against the demon butler’s chest. Barbatos smiled lightly and held him close. “Is everything okay?” They asked again after a moment, only to receive a tiny head shake from the angel. A small frown made its way onto their face in place of their previous smile and waited for Luke to elaborate. He did after a moment.

“Barbatos..? What’s wrong? Don’t lie to me! I-I've noticed you’ve been a lot quieter and spending more time alone... So, what’s wrong?” The blonde questioned, looking up. Barbatos was surprised, not expecting him to pick up on so much. Or maybe Barbatos wasn't as good as hiding their feelings as they thought. But they couldn’t tell Luke! He was only young, so he wouldn’t understand. He was also an angel! Weren’t they supposed to be against all of that? They were obviously spending too long trying to think of an excuse because Luke pouted and pulled away, crossing his arms. “Okay, you’re planning to lie to me. I wanna help you, Barbatos. You’re my only friend down here,” he trailed off near the end, looking down and sighing.

Stressed green eyes met the soft blue ones and they sighed. They bit their bottom lip, trying to think of a way to explain it simply. “You see, Luke... Sometimes people don’t feel... comfortable with the way they were born and I-” they weren’t expecting Luke to have a kind and patient look. They weren’t expecting him to be listening closely. They weren’t expecting him to start talking either. “You’re one of those people? You don’t like being a boy?” He asked, an innocent look on his face and Barbatos swore their heart melted. “Yes... Like that, Luke. I don’t feel like I'm a girl or a boy. I prefer being called they/them,” they explained with a small smile on their face again. “Well, now I feel bad.”

Both jumped and turned towards the door with shocked expressions, only to see the Avatar of Pride standing there with a small smile. “I won’t tell anyone. I noticed you both left and I go worried. But Barbatos, you should’ve told us. You know we’ll accept you, right?” The green haired demon looked down in shame, but Lucifer walked over and cupped their cheek softly. “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone until you’re ready to,” he assured them and Barbatos smiled, looking up at him slightly with a nod. “Thank you, Lucifer. And you too, Luke. I’m not ready to tell everyone else yet, so this can be our secret.” Luke looked excited at the concept of knowing something Simeon and Solomon didn’t and swore himself to secrecy while Lucifer just nodded and assured his friend that no one would know until he was ready.

“Anyway, I'm sure Lord Diavolo and the others will be getting bored... I assume none of the brothers have lost dessert privileges,” Barbatos joked, and Lucifer gave him a look before smiling. The others around the table were confused but happy when the three brought out dessert that night.

⫷multífαndσm σnєshσts⫸जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें