2: hello Philippines

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Maurine Pov:
Do you know whats the feeling of you being bored although there's a lot to do? Is it called boredom or just lazy? Because I'm feeling it right now, I'm out shopping but seems like I don't like it because it's too plain and boring.

My Daddy ask me to get everything ready going to Philippines, he gave me a thousand dollars and yeah I'm spending it all right now it's just an excess in bags. All I want to do and out for clubbing or bars to party but here I am with the good mother fucking boy shopping. He's buying all necessary things that we needed, some vegemite and some clothes and bags.

I'm planning to buy clothes, bags, skincare products and some lamp, things that is needed and I think look cute, I saw a black rag and it fit my sexxxy personality that's why I bought it, those clothes I think they look cute and from luxury brand.

An hour and another pass but we're still not done yet, I don't know why we keep in touch in this old school mall although it's ours.

"Chris could we sneak?" I ask him so much busy choosing which shoes should he buy, he can just bought all of them such a waste of time "get them all you can pay mother fucker".
"such a waste of money".
"money is better to loose than time".
"they're both important".
"then why are you keeping an eye there for almost an hour and another... C-can we just go to the nearest bar here?".
"I promise to your dad already I'm not letting you go to such place again".
"but promise meant to be screwed anyway".
"for you but i-I i keep promises" he turns his way opposite, I rolled my eyes and leave the store.

Hate them, why do they need to stop me with things that I love and that's partying, they stop me in doing my music, they make me study business although I want computer programming, and now my simple spoil in life, partying I can't even go out once a while to dance in a party and I'm stucked here with Chris the good boy, the mansion and now in Philippines.

"dare to share" Chris said behind my back, but instead of talking to him I rolled my eyes and walk.
He's following me from a distance but it don't give me a pity a bit, he deserve that for not letting me do what I want. "hey, hey, hey watch out!" watch out? What to watch out fo-ahhhhhhh! Ouch!. "I said watch out!".

I didn't know that there was a box of what so ever here, it's not my fault its the box why do the staff did put it in the middle of the walkway? Dad really can't talk to his worker! He's embarrassing me in front of many people.

Chris help me to get up and lots of staff we're looking at me what to expect though? I'm a Maurer it's a normal life. I stood up and fix my shirts I look at these uneducated humans here.

"where are you looking at huh? Want me to say hi? 'g'day' huh? Who put this box here in the walkway?! Aren't you educated in your job! If someone bump here and not me what should you do? You'll get the whole company in trouble you'll get the M-mall in trouble!" I shouted at them, why? They should be shouted for what they do to me, what they did is not right!.
Chris want me to stop but I won't, why is it my fault? Is it my fault that they're stupid as fuck? Is it my fault that they act like a child while working?. "what? Are you thinking it's my fault that I bump to that shit? I'm not this is a walkway and I'm a costumer after all... Fuck ya'll you better do your jobs well".

All shits here are damn not right, I don't get why people are so stupid in front of me, I know I can see all the mistakes because I've never do mistakes I'm perfect and I don't need anything to be perfect I'm naturally perfect.

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