Chapter 188 - Barbarian King (5)

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Barbarian King (5)


"We broke through!"

- The path is open!

The battle began, and the confrontation opened up with the magical bombardment sent by the Magicians.  Then the Tankers made a line to stop the monsters from reaching the Magicians. While both sides battled to whittle down the number of each side, eight teams started boring holes through the horde of monsters.

"Drill through!  Drill through!"

"Strikers carry the Priests and Magicians in!"

"Hurry up and get in there!"

A large amount of the force started to be sucked through the holes.  Then the Users started to build another wall as they stood with their backs towards the Barbarian King.  It looked as if they were protecting the Barbarian King.

"We are in place!"

-After solidifying your position, I want the Healers to stick close to the Tankers!

-You guys take charge of columns that break away!

"If the situation is desperate, the Magicians should use magic to regain the Aggro!"

-This is for the Magician Team.  Please hold back from using AOE magic.  It has to be Target Magic.  I will say this again.  Please hold back from using AOE Magic.  We have to make a ring.  You guys have to fight the battle through Target Magic.

This was called the Donut Plan.

It was a plan devised to stop the monsters, who had come out to protect the Barbarian King, from returning to the Barbarian King.  The Tankers would block off the route back.  A wall had to be formed.  The Barbarian King would be at the center.  The Users and monsters would form a donut shape around it.

This was the crux of the plan.

- The Hahoe Mask is getting ready.

The empty hole in the middle of the donut would be the stage where the Hahoe Mask and the Barbarian King would fight.

The start was announced by the Bone Dragon.

The Bone Dragon flew high in the sky, and it was the first to attack the Barbarian King.  It was 20 meters long, and the enormous Bone Dragon was terrifying.

It was made using a level 220 Dragon type boss monster, so it was well worth its cost.   The Ingredients cost tens of thousand of gold.

The Bone Dragon landed in front of the Barbarian King, and the remaining monsters near the Barbarian King charged forward.  All the large monsters stuck to the enormous body of the Bone Dragon.

After several seconds….


There was thousand Bone Explosives planted inside the Dragon’s body, and in a flash, all the monster sticking near the Bone Dragon was swept up in the explosion.

This was the signal.

- The Hahoe Mask is on the move!

When the signal was given, Hahoe Mask started running.  He started to run towards the wall that was paved with the lives of Users.  The Skeleton Warriors was close behind Hyrkan.

In a flash, the group jumped over the wall made by the Users.

"Oh oh oh!"

"It’s the Hahoe Mask!  Hahoe Mask-nim looked at me!"

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