Chapter 114 - The Foe that Gives Generously (1)

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The Foe that Gives Generously (1)


“Do you want to go with me to the Tehkee tribe?”

Hyrkan had stripped the Barks off the Black Tree, and he severed the tree branches.  Hyrkan was taking apart the Black Tree to gain the Ingredient Coins. 

As he was doing this, Whistling just dropped an offer to Hyrkan.

Whistling's suggestion was unexpected.  It was unexpected for him and Hyrkan.

Moreover, it was a big deal to be able to go to an Eleven tribe's village. Under normal circumstances, one had to have the qualification to be able to go there.  One needed a Quest or a Title. However, Hyrkan would be able to visit the Tehkee tribe through Whistling. It was an incredible opportunity.

“It's all right.”

However, Hyrkan turned down the offer.

Whistling didn't ask the reason behind the refusal.

“I guess it is time for us to part.”

“As promised, we won’t balance the account for the Coins. If you have something you have to do soon, you can go.  Don't worry about me.”

“When I receive the Circlet of Purification from Chieftain Drah, I'll send it to you.”

“Since you are already sending it my way, it would be ok if you send another Item with it by mistake.”

They ended the conversation on a very light note.  A smile was seen on both their lips, and that was how the conversation had ended.

The two didn't make any promises to meet again as they parted from each other.



Hyrkan looked at the Ingredient Coins that was filling the bag used for storing his Ingredient Coins. It looked as if it was about to burst.  He put on a big grin.  His Ingredient Gem bag was also getting close to bursting.

‘Everything's better when all the benefit goes to one person.’

After organizing his Ingredient Coins, he scouted out a location where he could immediately log out.  He had one more hour of play time left, but Hyrkan decided to logout a bit early.

‘I'll log out first, then I have to sent the original footage and money to the Romani Films.’

He had a lot of things to do.

When one finishes a great task, a lot of loose ends had to be tied up.

The first thing he had to do was to commission the Romani Films to produce his video.  He had  decided to go all out for the purpose of creating a footage he could sell. Of course, he would leave the production of the footage to the Romani Films.

He had also done a calculation.  It was impossible to do an in depth calculation, but at the very least, he could get a rough estimate on how much surplus fund he will gain from this.

He also had to make changes to something that was the very important to him.  He had to change some aspects of his long term plan.

Hyrkan had gained a lot from this Black Tree hunt.

He also had to worry about what he should do with the Circlet of Purification.

‘Should I sell the Circlet of Purification or not?  That is the real question.’

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