Chapter 95 - Waltz (2).

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Waltz (2)


A single Skeleton Knight was in a heated battle with a Black Hound.

The battle wasn't tight at all. It was obvious that the Black Hound held the upper hand. As the battle continued, deep wounds started to appear on the Skeleton Knight's body.

Kuh-huhng, kuh-hung!

The Black Hound let out rough barks as it either scratched the Skeleton Knight with its claws or it bit the Skeleton Knight with its teeth. Every time it attacked a significant wound was formed. If the Skeleton Knight hadn’t been wearing armor and the Bone Armor wasn't layered on top of it, the Skeleton Knight would have become a chew toy for the Black Hound.


Moreover, the sword swung by the Skeleton Knight was able to wound the Black Hound, but the wound wasn't deep. The Black Hound was known for its large body and tough hide. The wound was only a little bit deeper than a scratch.

At this point, it was obvious that the Skeleton Knight was inferior to the Black Hound.

Was this the cause?


Hyrkan let out a sigh. He hadn't participated in the battle. He just observed the battle from the back.

Truthfully, this particular battle shouldn't have made him sigh. It was a given that the Skeleton Knight's battle ability wasn't on the level of a Black Hound. However, this was something very obvious that he had known even before the battle.

Hyrkan's level was 114, so there was no way his summoned Skeleton Knight would possess a higher level than him.

On the other hand, the Black Hound was a level 130 monster. Moreover, it was one of the strongest mid-sized monster in the level 130 range.

It would have been more strange if the Skeleton Knight was able to fight on par with the Black Hound. However, Hyrkan hadn't let out a sigh, because of the Skeleton Knight's battle capability

‘The money I spent on just one Skeleton…… It was more expensive than my down payment on my one room.’

It was all about money.

‘I emptied everything, yet I was only able to equip one of them.’

Currently, the Skeleton Knight was equipped with level 100 Unique Items. His Armament Skill was Rank C, so he could equip four parts including the weapon. Hyrkan decided to equip the Skeleton Knight with Unique Items.

Of course, it wasn't as expensive or good as the Golden Mantis Scythe Sword or the Clear Spider defensive set. However, he hadn't skimped on his spendings.

As Hyrkan had said before, the Skeleton Knight was wearing a collection of Items that was more expensive than the down payment on his one room.

This was the part that made Hyrkan let out a sigh.

‘I'm out of ramen, and the coffee's all gone....’

Hyrkan reflexively opened the Hologram window to access his Youtube page.

He wanted to check how much donation he had received. Of course, he didn't have to view his account to see that he had no donations. Still, he decided to check the status of his donations. It was basically scraping the bottom of an empty rice bowl with a spoon...

His appearance was pitiable, and very miserable.

Hyrkan couldn’t hold back the bitter laugh as he considered his own status.

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