Chapter 135 - Immoral Prince (3)

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Immoral Prince (3)


- The Hahoe Mask is here!

There hadn't been a shout that rang out from the innermost recess of the mountain.  The Hahoe Mask had merely appeared in an online world, and his appearance was greeted by the sound of keyboards being typed.  However, it was as if that sentence was reverberated everywhere, and the information was instantly spread to everyone on the battlefield.

Of course, it also reached the Hydra guild.  They had entered into the battlefield, and they had just started their battle with the Relic Guardian.

Then they had their doubts...  No, they harbored suspicion.

“Why did the Hahoe Mask appear at this point?  Moreover, why is he helping the Stormhunters?”

There had been no discussion about the Hahoe Mask's intrusion when the Red Bulls guild and the Hydra guild made their plan.  If things proceeded as planned, the Stormhunters would have been critically wounded by the Immoral Prince.  This meant someone would have to once again face the Immoral Prince to stall it.  The Hahoe Mask was scheduled to enter at that moment.  However, he had intruded into the fight right now.

This was different from the plan.  From Hydra guild's perspective, they couldn't help, but be suspicious of the Red Bulls.

“Matador! Was this part of the plan?”

Even the members of the Red Bulls guild was puzzled over the situation.  None of the members of the Red Bulls guild had been given a heads up about this.

There was only one person that could give an answer about the this situation. 

Currently, Chev was fighting a Frost Knight wearing an armor of ice that was freezing its immediate surrounding.  Chev was the only one, who could answer the question.

‘Hahoe Mask. You....  ’

Even Chev couldn't immediately formulate his answer.


In the end, Chev needed time to think and formulate an answer.  Therefore, he pushed his responsibilities onto a subordinate.

Kims had been on standby.  When Chev yelled out, Kims charged towards the Frost Knight, and his hammer was swung against the Frost Knight.


The hammer embedded itself in the ice armor.


The hammer was still stuck when ice started to freeze over the weapon.  The ice was spreading like a living organism.  It even covered Kims' hands, which was gripping the hammer. A cold creaking sound was emitted between Kims and the Relic Guardian.

“I got him!”

This was the method used by Kims to occupy his opponent.

Chev immediately exited the battlefield.  Chev distanced himself from the Frost Knight, and another striker rushed into the space vacated by Chev.  A Priest immediately approached Chev.

The Priest's two palms were letting out a green light, and he started touching Chev's back.  As the green light touched every part of Chev's body, the wounds on his body, and the skin that died from the extreme cold started to regenerate.

As he received the Healing Skill, Chev started thinking for a brief moment.

‘What is the Hahoe Mask's intent?’

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