Chapter 133 - Immoral Prince (1)

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Immoral Prince (1)


[The Blue Snake looks at the White Roof.  Find the Red Mirror underneath the roof.  Then you will see an angular landmark.  This landmark will stretch out to the left.  It will fork endlessly.]

When the great battle was concluded, everyone's attention was turned towards the Immoral Prince.  The Users without the Battle Tokens couldn't participate in the Immoral Prince Raid.  Therefore, the only thing they could do was to decipher the words that appeared on the Battle Tokens.  They tried to interpret the cryptic code, which gave away the location of the Immoral Prince.

Unexpectedly, a lot of Users participated in this endeavor, and they had fun doing it.

- Where does a Blue Snake type monster appear?

- Is it talking about the Blue Dragon?

- Dragons aren't snakes.  I'm pretty sure it is talking about the Blue Giant Snake.  I'm clearly right!

- ㄴ I don't think the Immoral Prince would hide at a hunting ground where a level 60 Boss monster comes out.  It would make more sense to say a bear was hiding in a rabbit hole.

It wasn't really that they enjoyed it, but in truth, this was the only way they could participate in the Main Scenario Quest.  Also, there was an additional incentive to solve it.  The 3 guilds, who were participating in the Immoral Raid, had put up a bounty on the correct interpretation of the cryptic words.  One could earn around 5 thousand dollars from figuring it out.  It was more than a pocket change.

Anyways, there were a lot of hunting grounds  in existence in Warlord.  It was more annoying than difficult to find the location through such ambiguous hints.  Moreover, a lot of the characteristics described was shared by many locations in Warlord.  A mountain was a mountain, and a lake was a lake.

When the Immoral Prince Raid was failed twice, the new hints appeared on the Battle Tokens.  It took about 3 to 4 days to decipher the hints. Despite knowing all of this, the teams attempted the Raid.  None of the teams were able to last even an hour in the Raid.  When the Raid failed, the Immoral Prince immediately left the location. The losing groups took a terrible beating in many ways.

‘They were very unlucky.’

If seen in those terms, the Stormhunters was very lucky.  After the second Immoral Prince Raid was a failure, the Stormhunters was able to decipher the cryptic hints on the same day they got it.

‘I never expected the Immoral Prince to appear at a location we just found. It is said that the bread always fall on the buttered side down....’

The Blue Snake symbolized a Blue river, and the White Roof was a snow covered mountain.  Everyone reached a consensus on this interpretation. However, there were about 50 locations with a blue river and a snow covered mountain.

Therefore, the crucial part was the Red Mirror, and the angular landmark.  Surprisingly, the Stormhunters had found a region that checked off the two remaining requirements.

Patagonia mountain.

It was a region found recently by the Stormhunters.  Several days ago, this stage had a Block Field over it.

The Patagonia mountain had a Red Lake, and a tree had been struck by lightning.  The tree had been burnt to death, and it was the angular landmark.  Of course, this location was very hard to find.

If the Patagonia mountain hadn’t been found and professionally investigated by the Storm Hunters, no one would have been able to find the Red Mirror and the angular landmark.  Moreover, the Patagonia mountain was teeming with level 190 monsters, and it would take a long time to explore this mountain.

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