Chapter 60 : Dungeon Map (2).

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Dungeon Map (2)

Hyrkan’s plan was simple. He would visit the Bulkas Ranger Village in plain clothes, finish his quest with Maoong, then leave with the rewards and a new quest. He had no plans to show off his identity and gather needless attention.

Unfortunately, the Apollo Guild had caught sight of Hyrkan who was wearing plain clothes.

They didn’t do it knowing Hyrkan’s real identity. Hyrkan could tell that they just stopped a random guy that seemed to be a pushover.

Although Hyrkan wasn’t happy that they saw him as a pushover, he was more than happy to laugh it off as fate’s trick.


‘Why are the Stormhunters here?’

Ballista Hatch. The moment Hyrkan saw that face, his face stiffened. With Hatch, Hyrkan’s ill-ties ran deep. Hyrkan had been killed by him three times in the past. Not in a 1v1 of course, but while Stormhunter Guild’s tankers were holding him off, Hatch had used magic and killed Hyrkan.

Hatch was undoubtedly a player with skills. His ability to predict Hyrkan’s escape route and attack accordingly always impressed Hyrkan.

It was surprising enough for Hyrkan to have seen him, but he was even approaching him saying he had a business with him.

‘What’s happening?’

He didn’t feel good about the current situation.

If this was it, then Hyrkan would have passed it off as fate playing a trick on him. Even in the worst case, Hyrkan was confident he could hold his ground against Ballista. Hatch wasn’t good at fighting 1v1 anyways.


“Where are you going by yourself? Stick with the team! Do you wanna die?”

Storm Princess Hahui. The moment she appeared, Hyrkan couldn’t just think of this as fate’s trick. Furthermore, Hyrkan knew the situation had become even more complicated.

‘Why this crazy bitch of all people?’

Hahui. She was a downgraded version of the Storm Queen. She was weaker than Shir, but the problem was that she saw Shir as some sort of a goddess. Why else would she be called the Storm Princess?

She was also the person that irritated Hyrkan the most in the past. To Hahui, Hyrkan who had refused Shir’s offer and bared his fangs against her was no different than Satan himself. Although she wasn’t as skilled as Hyrkan, with her going after Hyrkan like a mad dog, she had always irked Hyrkan, like a pebble in his shoes.

Furthermore, Hyrkan had never fought Ballista Hatch up front. Hahui, on the other hand, was a completely different story. Not only had seen her up front multiple times, he had been headbutted by her dozens of times.

‘Let’s not get involved.’

It was only obvious that tension and irritation would fill Hyrkan in this moment.

Of course, the ones who were most confused were the Apollo Guild members.

“What’s this?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why are the Stormhunters…”

“He’s from the Stormhunter Guild?”

“We’re fucked…”

Although they had planned on using a pushover to take care of their problems, a tiger had followed the pushover’s trails. Not only were they confused, they were also fearful for their lives.

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