Chapter 94 - Waltz (1).

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Waltz (1)

Ddahk ddahk ddahk!

Every time the chin of the Skeleton Magician moved, it clacked.  It was as if a crazy magician was laughing.

Accompanying the bizarre laughter, the Skeleton Magician threw a big fireball.  It flew quickly through the air in an arc.  At the end of the arc, the body of the Corrupted Comrade was present.  The size of its body had decreased significantly.


When the fireball reached the target, it exploded.  Accompanying the explosion, the flame blew apart into sparks of flame, and they stuck to the Corrupted Comrade's body.


Up until now, the flames had quickly extinguished itself. However, the flames continued to burn, and it let its presence be known.

Hyrkan was watching all of this from a nearby location.  He gripped his sword as he stood 2 meters away.  Hyrkan lowered the point of his sword towards the ground instead of pointing it towards the Corrupted Comrade.

Battle Complete.

However, Hyrkan didn't let go of his feeling of tension.

He still hadn't heard the announcement.  There weren't any announcement indicating that his Quest had been completed, and he hadn't received any Titles.  This meant the battle was over, but the instance wasn't at an end.

Hyrkan looked at the Corrupted Comrade, and he stood vigilant of his surrounding.

More time passed, and nothing special was happening.


Hyrkan was finally able to let out a short sigh. When he let out the sigh, his mind had some available space to think.

The available space was occupied by idle thoughts.


Hyrkan's idle thoughts were filled with self-reflection.

‘I got hit twice.’

He took out a candy from a secret pocket located near his chest, and he put the candy into his mouth.  There were various spots on his clothes that was blackened. This was the trace left behind after he was hit by the Skeleton Magician's magic.

He hadn't been hit by the full brunt of the magic spell.  When the fireball exploded after hitting the Corrupted Comrade, the sparks of flame had hit him.  This was what had left behind the marks on his clothes.

It was hard to see this as a big problem.  The clothes worn by Hyrkan was a Defensive Set made from of the Clear Spider's webs.  It wasn't an item that could be destroyed by such minor damage.  To be truthful, he hadn't taken much damage.  Moreover, it had been necessary for him to stick to the Corrupted Comrade, so the amount of damage he suffered was inevitable.

It wasn't something that should make him take time for self-reflection.

‘I'll have to practice a little bit more.’

However, Hyrkan was still not satisfied with this battle, so corner of his mouth drooped.

Hyrkan chewed on the candy as he had an introspection.  The flame that had been burning the Corrupted Comrade's body started to subside.  When the flames died down, its muscular body was gone.  Hyrkan saw a skinny body that was akin to a skeleton.

“Thank you.,”

It was burnt black, and an unpleasant voice emanated from the skeletal body.

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