Chapter 130 - On the Eve (1)

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On the Eve (1)


This happened sometimes.

One saw something amazing, and one wanted to say something about this amazing sight. However, one couldn't come up with the words on the spot.

This was how several thousand watching the Havanz castle... No, millions of people were faced with such a situation. They couldn't immediately express the feeling they felt as they watched the sight in front of them. They could only let out a simple exclamation of admiration and acclamation.

Hyrkan was also part of this group.

‘Uh. I caught it?’

He had been prepared for death. No, in truth, he had thought he was cooked. He had thought he was a loser that hadn't been able to last until the Black Sap's effect had entirely ate away at Argardo's HP. He had thought his death was well-deserved.

He even felt regret. Maybe he should have just shut both his eyes, and asked for Red Bulls' help. Who was going to look after his watch? Maybe, the Red Bulls guild would quickly eat it, then deny taking it?  What will he do for the next 48 hours? Maybe he should play game X...

Regrets would have started to fill his head.

If Hyrkan was someone that couldn't differentiate between game and reality, he would have probably kept thinking about it.

Currently, Argardo was dead, but it hadn't fallen. He had heard the Announcement in his ears. It was sufficient proof that the battle had ended. However, Argardo was standing straight as it pointed its sword at Hyrkan. It made Hyrkan wonder if he had misheard the announcement.

He didn't know why, but it felt as if he was going to cut down by Argardo's sword if he moved.  The suspense didn't even allow Hyrkan to swallow his spit.

The one who should be celebrating the most in this victory was immersed in this suspense. Even the spectators watching this scene couldn't help it. The suspense created a sense of desolation, and they were having a hard time shaking off this feeling. The sense of desolation was like a fog that had descended in the morning.

The very first one to shake off this sense of desolation was Chev.

‘He really did it.’

Chev was filled with complicated thoughts.

It had been clear that Hyrkan was inferior to Argardo. On the other hand, the thought of facing Argardo's attack made one's body shudder. It was frightening.

From afar, it seemed Argardo was still standing there looking unharmed.

However, he was sure this was over. The only thing left was the curtain call.

‘The Hahoe Mask defeated the White-eyed knight by himself.’

In other words, someone else had to give the curtain call. Chev used the Voice Talk to talk to the producer directing the live broadcast.

“Mic mode.”

- What? Ah, yes!

It seemed the producer had been in a daze too. However, he quickly came to his senses. This was still a live broadcast. If a PD lost control over his thoughts during a live broadcast, the consequences wouldn't end after sending in a report.

- Mic mode, 3, 2, 1. Start!

The producer immediately sent a signal to the sound team. The sound team made adjustments to the system so that Chev's words would immediately be heard through the broadcast.

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