Chapter 31 : Lizard Swamp (3).

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Luring was a form of art.

Bringing a target to a wanted location was harder than one might think. In addition, Warlord monsters had their own characteristics. Of these, there were some that sent signals to their comrades or went back if they strayed too far from their pack.

Even with detailed knowledge on monster behavior, accidents happened. This fact was unchanged for even the Top 30 Guilds. In live broadcasts, it was common to see fights break out due to failed luring. That’s what made it so much fun. Accidents that went against prearranged plans kept viewers tense and on the edge of their seats.

Not to mention, it was much more difficult to lure monsters in the Lizard Swamp. Lizardmen were easy to aggro. In other words, if one ran into another Lizardman on their way to a designated hunting point, one would end up attracting two Lizardman. In that case, the player would no longer be considered luring. He was simply being chased.

The same applied to the current situation.


Partied with three beauties, Hyrkan caught nine Lizardmen. So far, everything went without a hitch. Their party had lacked a tank, but Hyrkan and his Skeleton Warrior proved to be excellent supports.

In reality, Hyrkan was doing all the hunting. The other three were only sucking up experience like a mosquito.

But suddenly!


Ilya appeared with two Lizardman on her tail. Running towards Hyrkan, she asked him for help. Hyrkan snapped his finger twice, and the Skeleton Warriors that were on standby turned their heads towards the Lizardmen. The flames in their eyes blazed as they charged towards the two Lizardmen.

Ilya ran past the Skeleton Warriors to safety.

Behind her…

Clang, clang!

The sound of battle rang out. Hyrkan asked through the clashing sound of metals.

“What happened?”

“I, I ran into a problem.”

Ilya continued with a confused and apologetic expression.

“I ran into a group of Lizardmen. In the end, the three of us had to split up…”

Hyrkan tried to ask her for a more detailed explanation.


“Sorry, I’m so sorry.”

Ilya kept apologizing before Hyrkan said anything, not giving him a chance to speak. She didn’t just ask for forgiveness. She did so with a teary face. Seeing her act that way, Hyrkan chose to not say anything.

“Let’s deal with this situation first. I can’t handle both of them alone. I need your support.”

“Of course!”

Ilya finally smiled. Her smile together with her teary face made her look pitiful yet beautiful. It was like a flower carefully blooming in torrential rain.

Hyrkan couldn’t say anything more to her face. Not just Hyrkan, but any male would find themselves hard pressed to do so. Hyrkan silently passed her with his sword in hand. He prepared to fight the Lizardmen. Watching Hyrkan’s back, Ilya’s smile became twisted.

‘Heh, he’s totally into me.’

It was a smile of satisfaction.

‘I mean, it’s only expected with beauties of our level’s affectionate acting.’

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