Chapter 125 - Power of Wealth (3)

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Power of Wealth (3)


- Breaking News! The Hahoe Mask is participating in the great battle at the Shezga castle!

Of course, the reaction to start of any rumor was weak.

- What about it?

- Even that weird bastard is lurking there. So what do you want us to do about it?

- What does the Hahoe Mask participating in the great battle at the Shezga castle have to with us?

Most weak rumors went away before it could gain steam. However, there were times when the weak rumor evolved into something bigger.

- The Hahoe Mask is doing a Hard Carry in the great battle!

This was the latter case.

- Hahoe Mask?

- Great battle?

- Hard Carry!

The combination of these three words captivated the fans of Warlord.  Their attention was kidnapped towards the Shezga castle.

In that moment, the fertilizer needed for the news to prosper was laid.


[Your Level has Increased.]

He had heard the Level Up announcement more than 160 times, so it failed to make his heart flutter. Hyrkan focused his gaze on the pandemonium in front of him.

Currently, groups were dispatched to various sectors to block the Corrupted army.  A fierce battle was going on, but the defenders of Shezga castle was being pushed back.

Overall, the Corrupted army held the upper hand in the battle.  It was like two fighters from different weight classes fighting against each other.  Still, the defenders of the Shezga castle didn't fall immediately.  They were still holding out.  Naturally, the advance of the Corrupted army came to a crawl.

Hyrkan licked his lips at the sight.

The licking of the lips was a representation of how he felt after he finished his Eat the Tail method.

The pieces were already in place, so everything happened as he expected.

He was able to do the Eat the Tail method only until the Corrupted army's advance came to a halt.  If one tried the Eat the Tail method when the Corrupted army was stalled, the risk would be smaller than fighting from the front.  Still, the Eat the Tail method would become riskier than the Gnawing method.

‘Bite it.’

At that moment, Hyrkan once again chewed on his lips. His lips were already wet, but we once again worried over his lips.  The meaning behind this action was clear.


Currently, Hyrkan was anxious.

‘I've already showed you this much.  Just bite the bait.’

His goal wasn't to gain EXP.  He had another goal.

‘You bastards call yourself gamers.  Do you really want to run away like a dog with its tail between its legs?’

Why did people play games?  It wasn't a complicated question.  There wasn't some philosophical meaning behind why these people chose to play this game.  They played it, because they wanted to. They played this game to be better than others, and they wanted to play it in style.

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