Chapter 79 Golem Upgrade (3).

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Golem Upgrade (3)



The firmly shut castle gate let out a bizarre sound and started to lower slowly. These users had waited outside the castle walls. When the castle gate was lowered, the waiting users all frowned.


There was no shout of joy. A bitter sound came out of all the user’s' mouth.

“This Battlefield run was completely ruined.”

“Still, aren't we fortunate? We survived. The number of dead users are quite numerous...”

“Like hell it is. We pointlessly messed with the Hahoe Mask…… If we acted normally, we would have gotten a good amount of EXP and Items even if we couldn't take down the Event Monster. Why did we do what we did!?”

“Hey! Why are you getting mad at me? You said it was a good idea. Didn't you agree to it?”

“Yeah. However, weren't you the one who talked to that bastard, Cho-oohroong?”

This was a stage where the reward was larger than ever. This was why everyone had high expectations on this event. It wasn't an over exaggeration to say they had ambition in their heart.

However, they didn't receive any reward. Instead, they were forced to eat a big pile of shit. They were a mess as they waited for the castle gate to be lowered. They weren't even able to hunt monsters. In the end, they had wasted a massive amount of time. If someone felt good about this situation, the person needed to get their head checked.


While the users were blaming each other, the massive gates reverberated as if someone was knocking on the floor.

Chuh-buhk chuh-buhk!

As if they had been waiting for this, the NPCs were on standby beyond the castle gate. They started to cross over using the castle gate as a bridge.

They were knights.

Every one of them had shining armor on. At a glance, one could tell the armor was expensive, and it had a lot of options. The knights also had a sense of dignity that went well with the armors. There were 13 knights. All the knights wore helms, so it was impossible to find out their identity.

There were exactly 11 users.

Amongst the 13 knights, there was one that was noticeably smaller than the others. It was easy to discern his identity.

‘It's Bagel.’

‘There's Bagel.’

As the users guessed, the short knight was the castle's owner and its manager. It was Bagel.

As if he was answering the user's' expectation, he revealed his identity through his voice.

“From now on!”

When Bagel shouted out those words, the 12 knights moved quickly. After they moved outside of the castle gate, they formed a semi-circular formation. They took off the shields equipped on their backs and placed it in front of them. The semi-circular line was like a castle wall when the knights placed their large shields in front of them.

After the formation was solidified, Bagel finished his speech.

“I'll give you 1 hour!”

After the speech ended, the users enter the castle gate one or two at a time. Each user's shoulders were slumped.

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