Chapter 107 - Catacombs (2).

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Catacombs (2)

The familiars summoned by the Necromancers could be developed in such a way that they gained combat AI through battles.

This was especially effective if the familiars fought a large number of similar type monsters.  Moreover, it would be best if one minimized the losses taken by the familiars in battle.  As the familiar gains numerous victories against the monsters, their combat AI increases to an altogether different level.

This was why numerous Warlord Users mothballed their current character after seeing the Hahoe Mask's Skeletons.  They had been tempted into growing a Necromancer.

The Necromancer didn't even need to command the familiars.

When a monster appeared in the big tunnel, the Skeleton Knight was the first one to face the enemy. 

While the Skeleton Knight was occupying the monster, Hyrkan threw one or two Skeleton Fragments to the other side of the Skeleton Knight and the monster.  That was all he had to to do. This simple action allowed him to form a formation where his Skeleton underlings attacked from the front and the back.

Since the Skeletons were fighting one type of monster here, they had become specialist after fighting the same monsters several hundred times.  The Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton Knight held the numerical advantage, and they were placed in advantageous positions by Hyrkan.  The outcome of the battles were basically settled.

The one-sided battle continued to happen.  It was so one-sided that Hyrkan didn't have the chance to do anything! It was so bad that he could take his eyes off the battle.  He watched some unknown guild's Raid video.

In many ways, the Catacombs Dungeon was too ideal for Hyrkan.

“Jeez!  Really!”

It would have been perfect except for one thing.

“Why did another dead-end appear here!  Why? What's the reason? I just want to go forward!”

The Catacombs was a maze Dungeon.

“Ooh-ahhh. Really!”

Hyrkan was pretty poor at finding the right route in the maze type Dungeon.

If it wasn't for this fact, the exploration of the Catacomb would have been like a vacation instead of work.

This one factor drove Hyrkan nuts.

“What are you looking at? Shut your mouth!”

In the end, Hyrkan became hysterical towards the Skeleton Warrior, who was staring at him with its mouth open.

At that moment, the light within the Skeleton Warrior's eyes changed.  The two globes within the socket of the skull started to burn.

Was the Skeleton Warrior resentful at being exploited? Was it angry towards its vicious master, who beat on it whenever he had a free time?  Did the Skeleton finally snap?

Of course, that wasn't the case.

After the light within its eyes changed, the Skeleton Warrior immediately turned around.  It looked towards its back. The light above the Skeleton Warrior's head illuminated the surrounding, and a Chimera Skeleton came into its view.

The Skeleton Warrior got ready to charge into battle.

However, Hyrkan moved before the Skeleton Warrior could move.  Hyrkan raised Ivan's Sword, and he charged in towards the Chimera Skeleton before his Skeleton Warrior could get there.  The battle started immediately.

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