Chapter 51 : Lucky Drop (2).

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­ Lucky Drop (2)

A lucky drop!

To gamers, it was just as good of a word as level-up. It was similar to a package delivery that made one to open his door with anticipation.

To achieve this taste of a lucky drop, one just had to hunt monsters. There was no other way. It was enough to just hunt monsters.


A 2-meter tall skeleton with a red lizard-skull made a strange cry. This lizard-skull skeleton was carrying a blazing flame in each of its hands.

This skeleton was the Skeleton Magician made by using a Lizard Sorcerer as material. The flames it was holding in its hands were like grenades, and the sound it had made was to alert its allies. After it had warned its allies, it threw the flames in its hands without hesitation.

The target was the back of a level 60 monster fighting tens of meters away. The Sword Monkey.


With its back now on fire, it let out an earsplitting scream. It didn’t show any signs of stopping either. Considering that the fire was spreading wildly across its body, it was no surprise.

It was truly a bloodcurdling scream, one that would make someone unable to fall asleep at night.

However, such a scream was unable to affect its surroundings in any way.


Metallic sounds rang out from different areas as did more screams of Sword Monkeys.

Different kinds of Skeleton Warriors were continually clashing swords with Sword Monkey. The pain-filled cries of the monkeys and metallic ringing from the clashing of swords easily buried the bloodcurdling screams of a single Sword Monkey.

However, there was one sound that distinguished itself.


It was the sound of a Golem swinging its arm like a whip and smashing a 1.3 meter tall Sword Monkey.


With a balloon-popping sound, the Sword Monkey flew across the air and hit the trunk of a tree. It was unable to make any noise. Only the sound of sword monkey’s bones being crushed could be heard.

As if it was content with its attack, the Golem turned its head and stared at the Sword Monkey that had fallen on the ground.


At the same time, another Sword Monkey that had seen its friend being killed by the Golem jumped on the Golem’s body and slashed its sword at it. As the Golem was made of dirt, the slash marks of swords could be clearly seen. It was a bit later that the Golem turned its gaze towards the Sword Monkey that was leaving slash marks on its body.

In fact, it was the Blood Goblin Skeleton Warrior that made a move before the Golem. Faster than any of the other skeletons, it ran towards the Sword Monkey with the cursed dagger given by Hyrkan, then stabbed the monkey’s back.


The Sword Monkey screamed.

[Sword Monkey falls under the Demon Curse.]

[Demon Curse skill rank rose to D.]

The result of the scream was reported to Hyrkan in the form of an alert.

However, Hyrkan ignored the alert. Wearing his skeleton armor, Hyrkan put all his focus into weaving in and out of battles and controlling the overall battlefield. He couldn’t afford to divert his attention.

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