Chapter 78 Golem Upgrade (2).

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Golem Upgrade (2)



One of the users tripped on a rock and fell.


The large wolf that was chasing after the user ate almost half his body in one bite.

‘He’s dead.’

‘I'm sorry, Polio.’

The users didn't stay to see the frightening sight of their buddy get eaten. They didn't even glance back. They didn't even think about helping him, since it gave them extra time. They ran away with all their might.

They had used their party member as a sacrificial lamb, and it worked. They no longer heard the breathing or footstep of the wolf. When they reached a location where there was no trace of the wolf, the three party members finally stopped to look back. They were finally able to talk after checking nothing was behind them.


The same word yelled out by the devoured party member came out of their mouths.

“Even running away isn't easy.”

“Everything is messed up now.”

“Right. When the Hahoe Mask killed most of the priests, there was no point in hunting in parties.”

It had been 88 hours since the Battlefield had been opened.

Significant amount of time had passed in the Battlefield, and the appearance of the users wasn't something that wasn't befitting the name of the Battlefield. A continuous battle between the monsters and users never took place. There was no breathless battle. The result was a one sided fight. The normal result wasn't the monsters becoming the sacrificial lamb instead it was the users.

The reason was of course Hyrkan.

The Hahoe Mask left after dispatching Cho-oohroong, and seven monsters suddenly showed up in his wake. A significant number of users died once again in this battle against the monsters.

The parties couldn't even communicate with each other amidst such a condition. They just scattered every which way. Of course, they didn't ally with each other anymore. If someone took it upon themselves to make it happen, an alliance could have been formed once again.

However, everyone remembered the fate of Cho-oohroong who had stepped up to take the lead. They had seen the seen the process live. The image of what happened to him wouldn't fade away from their thoughts.

So the parties started hunting by themselves. Each party put an acceptable amount of distance between each other. They each secured a region and started to hunt. Under the silent truce, the parties did what most parties did in the Battlefield.

The problem was most of the parties weren't at their most optimum state. There were parties who had lost a priest, a tanker, or a striker... If one made an analogy, they were like mouths. Some had lost their front tooth, and some had lost their molar. They couldn’t chew the monsters properly with a mouth missing teeth.

The Battlefield was so full of monsters that monsters came looking for users. The users tried to avoid the repeated monster battles, but in the end, all the parties chose to give up.

“The castle gate will open soon. Let's go to the castle gate now. We can logout there, and we can log back in when it's time.”

“Yes. We'll find users in the same situation if we go near the castle gate. Maybe, we'll come to an agreement there to work together.”

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