MIKAELSONS HISTORY (you can skip if you knew that)

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The first members of this family were a man named Mikael  and his wife Esther . They were wealthy landowners in an Eastern European village until they were devastated by a plague, which killed their firstborn and only child at the time. They heard from a witch  called ayana  that there was a land where everyone was healthy and strong, a land that happened to be the New World. Mikael and Esther traveled to this paradise with Ayana, where they settled in next to the constantly healthy folk, the werewolves , and lived peacefully. In the years to follow Esther bore six more children. Mikael often clashed with his son, Niklaus . Things got even worse when Klaus and his brother snuck out to watch the werewolves transform one night and one of the beasts mauled Henrik to death.

Grief-stricken, Mikael decided to search for a way to protect his family from the werewolves. Though the village witch refused to help him in fear of upsetting the balance of nature, Mikael soon found another witch who would help him – his wife, Esther. They devised something that would heighten and oppose the werewolves' own abilities. Strength, agility, and speed. Esther drew on mystic symbols to create the spell. She used the Sun as the symbol for life and the white oak tree, one of nature's few eternal objects, as the source of immortality . In order to complete the ritual, Mikael had his children drink wine laced with the blood of tatia , a Petrova doppelgänger and distant descendant of the world's first immortal woman, Amara, and then he thrust his sword through their chests. They awoke in transition, and on their father's orders, drank human  blood, completing their transformation. Nature, however fought back, and for every strength there was a weakness.

The sun that gave them life burned them, their thirst was insatiable, and their neighbors could close their homes to them.Vervain  flowers that grew at the base of the white oak tree burned them and protected against compulsion. The white oak tree, which gave them immortality, could also destroy them. In the end, they burned the tree. When Klaus made his first kill, it triggered his werewolf gene . Mikael realized Klaus was the result of an affair Esther had with a werewolf villager. Mikael hunted down and killed Klaus's father and his entire family, igniting a war between vampires  and werewolves that still exists to this day. Soon after becoming a vampire and discovering his werewolf bloodline, Esther cursed Klaus, forcing his werewolf side dormant. In retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act.

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