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after Jack and I sit in his truck



"I want to tell you something. "

"go ahead."

"I am not a witch"

he looks at me and moves the truck to an empty parking place

"i think a lot is coming?"

"You were always honest and caring to me. I want to tell you everything that i am?" he looks confused.

i told him everything about a curator, their power, that old man bargain me with witches, the letter, my grandfather, parents abandon me not with much detail. everything finn and jo knows about me.

we were in silence and i was tapping my fingers in anxiety

"so you actually can control werewolves" he smiles in a playful manner

"I have been told so. Why the hell are you smiling? Jackson I. can. control. you," he beams "you are enjoying my misery." He shook his head in no while smiling. I groaned and hit him with shopping bags

he put them aside "and vampires "

"i once hit marcel.and it does show an impact on him, "i told sheepishly

"i am relived bowing in front of you is far better than Niklaus" he starts his truck "so what are you plans for upcoming days ?"

i count on my fingers "your wedding, join university, figured it out about the company, open grave, and all the time figured it how new Orleans works, and once more find a job, and how to handle appi and jiju"

"too much on the list and finn? what about him?"

Yes about him Zoya.

"I don't want to talk about him .right now please" i pout "I will figure it out later. drop me at JO "the last almost sounds like a command

"as you wish "


The ballroom of the compound is full of decorators and caterers who are setting up for the impending wedding. Jackson has just arrived, and he and Hayley walk around and take it all in

JACKSON: "Ohhhh, I so do not belong in your world."

HAYLEY scoffs "My world? Give me some credit. I'm not exactly the girl who sat around fantasizing about her wedding day. And, if I had?"

She gestures to a huge wedding cake being pushed on a cart by a caterer

"It probably would have looked a little less... this"

"Yeah... "He turns and looks at Hayley " You getting cold feet?"

HAYLEY shakes head"No. This is what's right. For Hope, for our pack."

Jackson nods in agreement as Klaus enters the room

KLAUS: Hayley. If I might intrude, there's someone who wishes to say hello.

Hayley and Jackson share a look before she joins Klaus and walks into the courtyard, with Jackson following behind her. Just as they make it into the courtyard, Cami and Elijah, who is now wearing fresh clothes, walk-in from the opposite direction. Cami has Hope in her arms, and they smile at them

HAYLEY to Klaus "You brought them here? Finn could be anywhere!"

"I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at your wedding, and after, your wolves will be the first line of defence to this home. No more running, Queen."

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