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i told Jack and jo about finn being my friend, the BB(bulb busting) and then the Esther.
"now you hate me," i ask Jackson
"we need to find about that "Jackson point at my arm.i look at Jackson and he avoids looking at me
"she is being used as a source but right now i think it might help"jo blurt it out and left us alone.
"How can she help?"
"she is a witch" he looked shocked" how you know her?"
"Long story"

silence engulf us

"does finn really care about you?" i didn't except that but i nod."you are not angry or hurt?" i am still not sure what he is feeling.
"i lose Olli in my arms and then you almost died .i am not letting same happened to you and yes i am angry that you care about that Vincent or finn" he took my hand" but i am not letting my people died anymore". i squeeze his hand.

"here drink this "jo entered with a glass of something greeny. i scrunched my nose and then drank the whole content in one gulp a shiver went through my body.
i frown and whined because of taste.
"yeh kadwa hai"(it is bitter).
"what?" jack and Jo at the same time
"i need chocolate" i whined almost cried. they both chuckle
"what are you 5?"Jackson comment
"now you walk young lady"

i put my one foot down and it doesn't pain. i jumped out of the bed and twirl on my feets.i checked my arm the cross was gone. "i am healed"i chirped and start jumping.
"if you are done princess, we have to leave"
"leave where ?" She got curious


I and Jackson are right now in bayou took a lot of annoyance to jo let me out here.
"ready?" he asked because he is having a pack meeting that means Hayley is also there and he is still not sure of me out in the city. i don't want to be the center of attraction so I agree to.
"it is no big deal" i raise my eyebrows at him"i gave you  my word remember" he gave me a word about not telling anyone about finn being my friend. i correct my posture and flip my hair
"Let's DO IT WITH GRACE AND ELEGANCE" he snorted at my thought.
i focused. let's count Zoya. 50 steps yes 50
1 he comes close 
2 "are you counting" cool down Zoya
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH JACKSON" i warn him but my warning don't work on him.
" are you scared Zoo..." i groaned and pick up my step

finally, i am in the house after he introduced me to a pack member Aiden. i took my cue and head inside
Hayley, Jackson, and Aiden are outside of  Ansel house, discussing their current problems while i was looking from inside
Jackson looks annoyed, stands and approaches Aiden  interrupting him.
Jackson say something to Aiden and walks away. i follow him. Hayley she catches up VAMPIRE PERKS with him near the dock of the pond, where he has just opened a can of beer. i stand a little far.

"So, are you gonna work on a rousing speech, or just get day-drunk?"
"Little bit of both." Hayley snatches the beer from him and looks at him in concern "Jack, it's ten A.M."
Jackson turns away from her and goes to lean against the boathouse. Next to him is a small table covered in books, and he grabs a brown, leather-bound journal off of the top of a pile
"You know, for months, I wrote down every single word Ansel said. The entire history of our people. If only I'd known he was Klaus' father, I would have asked him a hell of a lot more." He tosses the book back onto the table
"Let me guess-- no such luck?"
JACKSON sighs " Nothing viable. And now, Ansel's dead... along with Ollie and Zoya was almost dead and i don't know what to do. So, forgive me if I need a beer, 'cause right now, I can use all the help I can get."

Jackson grabs his drink and turns to walks away and noticed me and realization form on his face ."Ansel is dead" i spoke without any emotion. he approached me but i took a step backward.
"Zoya I just got to know that.. "he tried to explain he was not hiding anything
"it's ok" i casually speak and turn to walk away.

I heard Hayley comment "You said she was closed to him doesn't look like that"

i walk 
i walk fast
and then i run
i didn't notice i was crying and my steps lead me to 
"his art gallery"

i pick up all the painting that are uncovered and wrap them. Like i do with every emotion when i feel something no one can figure it out about my weakness. i tried to wipe out my tears but they are not stopping. i lock the trailer till i stored them to a safe place as my respect to Ansel after all this is all I have memories of Ansel.A very first gentleman in this city.

i was walking in the bayou when
i feel sudden pain at my arm and i pull up my sleeve to my arm and that cross is back.i mean i drank that poison made by jo to have it again with more pain.
steps approaching me. i correct my sleeve and turn "hey"
"Jackson asked me to drop you?"  its Aiden.
i nod.

Jo opened the door "thanks, jo "  without any emotion.I flopped on the couch.

"why Esther choose me as source " a tear slipped out of my closed eyes."Zoya what happened?"
"i just want to know" i wipe that single tear.
"you should have read that letter first"
"I can't .listen i am not asking about my family they are not my priority all i am asking is why me" I sit and look at her with determination.we both are looking at each other .she sat beside me.
" you are a curator " a new word

"it is an old myth centuries ago when witches and werewolves are created they are not able to control themselves. witches were using their power to create many supernatural entities either by using werewolf blood or control them the gods give the order to the curator who use to just preserve nature to control them .they have the ability to control nature magic .it has to be said a curator scream can gather the magic even from hell. they are basically like king or queen".
"I am a curator and now Esther knows that and need me to channel power." 
"you don't worry curator can protect themselves "and then she smiles like a teen "and as i mentioned they are basically king or queen " her eyes were shining with a hidden mystery
"go on"i smile a bit waiting for a new surprise

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