bedtime story

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When she says my name, I was happy, but it changes into guilt as I saw her eyes.

I got shocked when she gently moved forward and hugged me. MY hand on its own hugs her too. We stand there like for a few minutes. I expected her to shout, slapped me or the worse never talk me.
Then I felt her losing hold on me and received her stomach growling.
We both chuckle.
"Let feed Satan. "

I took her to my apartment where I am staying.
I make her sit at the counter and cook for both of us. she seems silent. As I took noodles and put in front of her with the ketchup bottle for her .she can literally eat anything with ketchup.
she pours out a large amount of ketchup in her noodles. i ignore her act of love for it. i know nothing changes her. 

i make her eat well because if i discuss my past i am not sure she will eat anything. we silently eat.  after we both were done i took the bowl from her and washes them .all the while  she looks at the apartment, it was not that expensive but not also dull just dark 



"Why here?"

"The mansion, dinner, dirty blonde, suit guy, GUILT in your eyes and your new version"

She is looking directly in my eyes to dare me to lie

"This place is not safe for you. This is not "
She stood from the stool and start walking toward the door"I am done with others telling me what is good for me, " her voice turns angry. She turned while taking a deep breath, " we will only talk when you spill" 

She again walks toward the door. I locked the door with magic.

I stood from stool "come I show you your room" and walk. I heard some shuffling " it won't open i locked it. follow me"
I heard the heavy steps behind me.

As I turn to leave the room, she sits at the doorway while blocking the path with the look that says ' dare you to ignore me'.
we both wait other for backout, but
she wins
Leaving no choice I sigh and made myself comfortable on the bed. I closed my eyes to think of what to tell her almost ready to lose her.
 I gestured her to bed.
after I sensed her presence  "I am confused about where to start "

  she took one of my hand and dims the light  "once upon a time there...."

"was a family where mother Esther is a witch and father Mikael is Viking have seven children... Freya the elder one die with the epidemic, second the finn, then..................................................

That's how we turned into a vampire and Klaus into a hybrid. "

"The women who possess my body— your mother Esther "
"The one who kidnapped me your brother..."
"Suit guy,"
"Dirty blonde Niklaus,"

"Why you all are fighting?"
"Mother wants to turn us back human by placing our soul in human bodies well they don't want to be human "
"Why do you want to be human?"
"What do you mean?"
"What wrong in being a vampire?"
"What great being a vampire? Oh yeah, end up killing people," i replied sarcastically.
"You can control your urges .you never hurt me"
"Living forever alone?"
"You have an immortal family"

I had anger in the name of the family.
"THEY DONT CARE ABOUT ME" I shouted with tears ready to flow out

She slowly reaches for my hands and unclenched my hands.

"You should sleep," I spoke tenderly and got up from bed
"Finn" I stopped and hummed
"I know there is something you are not telling me but whenever you are ready"

" I am always a call away" i can hear her smile in her voice

"Good night zee"
"Good night mommy" that brings a smile to my face

After a long time, I feel relaxed and home.

A bedtime story without a good ending.

Finn hiding painful past
Kol on the path of a mother too
Elijah and Niklaus are on a different path
Esther and Mikael need to enroll in WPO (world parent organization)
To learn something

Tomorrow will be a busy day.
And worse without a phone

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