family gathering

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thanks to Davina my wounds got heal 

 " MARCEL! Bring it in"i followed the voice but wore a cami jacket lying around 

 Marcel comes into the room, dragging the old coffin behind him. Finn desperately pleads with Klaus as he yanks down his chains and drags him toward it 

 FINN: "No! No! No, Niklaus!"  

"Oh, don't worry, brother! I made some air holes! Small ones."

 "what are you doing?" feared

 i move to finn but stopped by marcel. i try to use my magic but can't 

 "Not so fast. You see you lost a lot of blood to do any spell "he smirked 

 I turn to finn who was shocked by the new discovery.

 but me being me don't give up and my head starts blasting pain. 

i fall on the ground in pain and blood was coming out of my mouth. 

 "ZOYA" finn shouting is the last thing i remember. 

 I woke up with a jolt due to dreams or illusions and panic because of my surroundings. 

 "Relax you are safe" I turn to voice 

"Hayley" I was confused

 "How I am here?" 

"You got fainted "

 "Why I am here?" i whined 

 " Esther connect both you and Klaus .now she needs you for the last step .so we are taking you to a safe place " 

 "To keep him safe " I spoke with bitterness. which Hayley understand clearly and didn't reply

 He smirked and I ignore him and close my eyes in exhaustion and fall back to seat completely. I am tired of this drive filled with silence.

they both seem impatient. a new surprise great. On the other hand, Esther is making my life hell by giving me mental and physical pain. 

 I was in my thoughts when Hayley stormed out of the car. Klaus doesn't even get the chance to park before Hayley rushes out of the car and sprints toward some blonde women and Elijah whose having a child in her arms. She stops in her tracks as soon as she sees them, as though she can't believe her eyes.that women, and Elijah both smile at her as Klaus catches up with them, and Elijah wastes no time handing a smiling child to Hayley Hayley hugs the child tightly and breaths a sigh of relief. Behind her, Klaus is overwhelmed to move. Hayley turns so Klaus can see as well. the child coos happily, and Klaus and Hayley both laugh as they smother her with kisses. 

 Finally, I stepped out of the car Elijah looked up at me and the reaction worth sapphire, gems, treasures. i won't deny i enjoy the moment and he knows that because i had an evil winning smile. 

 Elijah turn away in irritations and babbled .they all noticed his behaviour 

 "Esther connect her and me .so if she comes after hers she comes after me and then to my child" 

 "And you RED, CHUCK AND BOB can't afford such a luxury" i advised 

 "How can we trust her?" Elijah eyed me in disgust 

 "I heard you stop by a diner" I taunt with an innocent smile he was throwing glare but i act innocently which doubles his intensity 

 "your trust issues are your problems, not mine. AND LAST I AM NOT GOING TO PROVE ANYTHING TO ANYONE" i spoke loud and clear to them. 

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