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Ansel was in the kitchen trying to prepare tea or coffee i might guess.

"Zoya how you know Ansel?" Jackson asked for the normal conversation

"Just last night and you," i ask still observing Ansel

"oh i lived here with Ansel," he noticed me observing

"what he is doing......?"

"as per speaking of my experience living with him might be trying to make coffee" he narrowed his eyes at him. i raised my eyebrow for confirmation of his words and he nodded.

i decided to help him. i drag up my sleeves put up my hairs and stand in front of him with full authority like i own this house. he looks at me for an explanation.

"out of the kitchen Ansel, "i gestured him with my hand 

" pardon" he looks at me confused

"Oh please, if you're going to cook it seems like I and Jackson are going for a poison test for the rat" i replied sarcastically while washing my hands .ansel seems to get take back and Jackson seems to enjoy that too much trying hard bite his cheeks to hide the smile.

Ansel really took the time to get my sarcasm. i shooed him off the kitchen.

so what we get here

milk, bread and potato JUST THAT

i turned to Ansel "you just got milk, bread and potato here" i groaned. he is going to say something but me be me i stopped him.

"Ansel look i got a doctor to advise you too have calcium at that age but sometimes people like us "I gesture toward me and Jackson "need carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins to live strong " i tried to show my biceps and Jackson snort "and tasty food to smile like this"i end up showing my all teeth. again Ansel trying to say something again i halted him "wait Jackson get my bag from the couch and is there any pan or i just need to grab some stone to carved it out in the shape of the pan "  both look at for a moment but then i narrowed my eyes and ordered "NOW".well this tone worked on them both .ansel got me pan and light me the stove .in the meanwhile Jackson got my bag. luckily potatoes are boiled." there is going to be a medicine box in my bag just bring me that and just do that without why?" he rolled his eyes." Ansel pass me the bread loaf and the knife" ."there are too many things in your bag"Jackson complained "it is called tote .a women tote" and suddenly he exclaimed, "i got it".

"oh i get it you stored spices in it but who carry spice like that "Jackson passes me the box

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"oh i get it you stored spices in it but who carry spice like that "Jackson passes me the box.

"ME ME ME and not just spices but butter also "I behave like a child.

i mashed potato and spices together somehow make a grilled sandwich meanwhile make some coffee for them and milk tea for me. i served them.they took a bite and man.

"Ansel i am leaving the spices here .i don't want Jackson to cry out his heart to me because of you"

"i don't cry"Jackson replied

"i don't cry" i memic Jackson. he gave me a sly smile

"so why here Zoya? sight sighting? Jackson asked. Ansel smile

"you are so mean Ansel" i point out with a smile

"okay  tell"Ansel  being serious

"well .. it is just that i ran away .." their expressions are totally different from eachother.ansel looked worried and curious. jackson's eyes gleamed with interest.

"from my wedding" Ansel got shocked and Jackson is smiling

"well, that makes you runaway bride. quite a status"Ansel pass him a glare.

"well, why if you are comfortable?"Ansel asked

"well why, I ran away from my wedding as my never ever going to be forever in-laws expect me to respect first their son, mother, father, brother, sister, their in-laws, society, their pets, their ants in the lawn, might be dead turkey on the dinner table. if this list ever gets ended somehow, I am allowed to have respect for me. SERIOUSLY I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE RESPECT AND DECISION FOR ME" i did not know when i get up from my chair start throwing my hand in anger. i raise my voice at the end. i expect them to give me a lecture like finn or Elijah regarding my upbringing but not they just nodded. i looked angry, mad and sad. i took my chair and sat on it calmly.

"silence, i except  lecture regarding the pain toward society or better about my upbringing," i said calmly looking at the food

"no, because you are a perfect child"Ansel spoke softly then i glanced up to Ansel and then Jackson who winks at me. i gave them a small smile.

"But why in new Orleans. i mean you are from India their many countries but why here" Jackson spoke and then suddenly i am back to myself

"Oh yes about that, so how long guys live here?"

"not that long, about few months .but why?" i frown

"i am trying to find out about something" i try to find some other way 

"i know some people who could help" Jackson advised

"really, "i asked

"of course but what you want to find"he took a sip

i grab my back and bring out the old photograph. i handed to him

he took it and both of them look at it.

"it is a church" i look at him being obvious

"i mean it is St. Anne's church  but it looked old and the faces of the  people in it are not cleared "he stated

"okay" i replied

"if you want i can ask from few other around but right now i cannot visit the city or another place"

"no, it's okay. you already helped me a lot " i assured

My phone beeped. i groaned 

"excuse me" they nodded

mud beard: "At least  text me you are fine"

now i am feeling guilty. i mean he checked on me twice now.

so i text "i am fine."

my phone beeped again .well it was quick

mud beard: "forgive me "


Mudbeard:" i will pick you from your hotel around 2 .be on time"

me: "you wish ;)"

"Jackson catch" i throw my phone at Jackson "save your no".

i took all the dishes to the sink and wash it and put it in the rack to dry

"if you visit bayou or need us to call  "Jackson pass me my phone

i put my phone back in my pocket.

"i will and  now i would like to take your leave"

"come I drop u the hotel" Ansel pick the truck key

at the door, i shouted"bye jack" and run to the truck 

and then he  shouted

" bye ZOO" my mouth just fell open

"did he just"i raged

"what zoo mean?"Ansel asked

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