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I go in the house and spotted that devil on the couch and one of her arms stretched out to the glass table on top of few books.

It took five minutes for her fall sleep.
those few books that divert my mind from the past few days' trauma.
I tried to slide books because she looks better and tolerable while sleeping and the last thing I want her to wake up.' looks better?'
I successfully remove my books from her and place her hand carefully on the table. I would leave when I overheard her muttered something in sleep and thus she becomes restless and trying to wake up.

As I was watching suddenly, she punches the table hard that it shattered with glass breaking sound.
She woke up having a panic attack while breathing hard. On hearing, she was skipping her heartbeats. She noticed me.

I got a tumbler of water for her using my vampire speed and handed her. She took the tumbler and drank half of it with no word. Her hand bleeding.

I took away the tumbler turn to place it far away from any more trouble.
As I turn She bent down, I don't why. Pick up glass pieces?

I bent to help her the moment I would touch the shard. I received an anxious voice."Don't touch it will hurt you." I looked up at her trembling in fear
"I am a vampire" I divert my attention and again goes to pick it up, but she snatches it away from me "doesn't mean you don't feel pain" either mother is up to something or someone possessed her. But her focus was not on me at all. It was on glass pieces. I forget to respond only to viewing her managing all the shards alone even letting herself bleed.
I was broke out of my trance when I got her groaning."Sorry for the carpet." I looked at the carpet, stained because of blood drops falling from her wound.
All the stains make me go back to the memories of the red door.

I get the first aid box. I move to her but she shocked by backing away.

"Don't" just like Tatia she is backing away from me and she snatches away the box from me. How hard it was her to trust me?

She was trying to clean her wounds, but she looks like a left-hand person. The most stubborn I have seen

she winced in pain as she cleans it in the opposite direction, which leads to more bleeding.
with no thought, I approach her "I can take care of myself no need of your pity. "

"Shut up" I snapped at her making her eyes go wide and so was her mouth

I took the leverage and pulled her bleeding hand toward me. I can sense her weak and tired just by touching her .mother really did numbers on her she tried to pull it back we both were throwing a dagger at each other.we both halt our dagger on hearing

a weird song play all I understand the word 'Shiela' 'I am way too sexy for you' by looking her face it's her phone

Before she can reach, I snatch it away."What are you doing to give me my phone?"

"Your hand"

"Is that a marriage proposal?" I roll my eyes.

"your hand "

"My phone"

I move my thumb to disconnect.

and move her hand forward

I clutch her arm in a tight grip and handover her phone
I drag her to the couch by her arm, only controlling force not painful

she picked up her call a voice shouted from the phone
"change that bloody ringtone on my name" someone sensible, but that devil chuckle. a cute one.cute?

"Where are your manners appi.No Greeting," in playful tone with a smile

"I taught you some. And you throw them in the drain. "

STUCK |Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now