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I am in my room at the hotel.
I make a call to finn
Seriously he dared to not pick up my call. ok, wait for Zoya he might be texting you.
a minute
Another minute and then another and so on .15 minute and that mud beard haven't replied.
I open my laptop and enter his no. I note down the live location of his no.

My phone rang i was going to check but

" Thanks for coming. I feel bad for being so abrupt earlier, I'm sorry!" Cami spoke

" That was my fault. I was being unprofessional. My apologies."

"She smiles"You're sorry, I'm sorry." She raises her glass "Let's call it even and have a drink!"

"Whew!" She refills her drink "So, how would you diagnose my friend, Klaus, if I may ask?"

"Well, he's clearly depressive. Low self-esteem, paranoia..." I laugh "Impulse control. Wouldn't you agree?"

"A lot of it is beyond me. Too much history I don't know, like all the stuff with his siblings."

"You know, the resentment. How do you manage it?"

"I beg your pardon?" I am confused

"In one of our first sessions, you mentioned that you don't get along very well with your brothers."

I looked at her suspiciously

" Do you stay in touch with them?"

i relaxed" In a manner of speaking. We're not particularly close."

"And your parents, are they still around?"I sit back in his seat" Am I prying? I'm totally prying."

"All this talk about my family, when you so recently scolded me about boundaries..."

" Just searching for coping methods!" She smiles"Trying to learn from the master."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Look, if I've offended you, I'm sorry."

"You haven't offended me, it's just... you seem on edge"

" Now, perhaps it's this Klaus business. Is there something you haven't shared with me?"

Cami sits back in her seat and laughs

"I guess I'm just... nervous around you." I mean, I keep badgering you with my dumb questions."

"Your questions are quite smart, they're just personal. And, your interest is... unexpected."

" Maybe this is just my passive-aggressive way of trying to change the subject from where I'm afraid you're headed."

"Which is?"

" I think you're going to tell me to stop spending time with Klaus."

" Cami, you're an intelligent woman. You're articulate, poised... I think you can tell for yourself what's best." I hope she would

"You know, sometimes I ask myself why I let people like Klaus into my life. I have this destructive pattern."

She spoke after a moment

" I'm always drawn to the bad boys. Maybe deep down, I feel like that's what I deserve."

I frown in confusion and takes Cami's hand in mine

"Cami, I'm an expert in unhealthy patterns. I've broken some of my own, and I can help you do the same if you let me."

I look her in the eye, and Cami glances down at their clasped hands and smiles

STUCK |Elijah Mikaelson [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat