Chapter 19: The Games Begin...

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            After running into the dark, the three groups emerged into their first test rooms. The screen for the audience focused in on One and Five looking at tall blue walls connected to the ceiling. One and Five looked at each other and nodded their heads and began to run through the maze.

"This should be a piece of cake. To find the keys with the help of your magic and my shadows." One said confidently.

Laughter rang rancorously around the two causing them to stop at a T-intersection in the maze.

Mira sighed in glee. "It isn't that simple, Akira. We made sure that you could not use your shadow ability absolutely.

"What about her magic?" She pointed angrily at Five.

Cain snickered. "Don't think we're stupid. Precautions were made to block all magic powers and made sure to keep all of your magical objects. Now you better hurry I can see the naga is hot on your trail. You aren't even a quarter the way through the maze with the key."

A loud hiss sounded from behind them. Five and One shivered and looked in dread as a giant snake slithered behind them.

Five quickly told One, "Let's just find the key first and deal with that scaly monster later. We only have a set time limit."

"Okay, but so we don't get lost, we need to leave markers. I'll leave little electric balls while you leave fire.

"Okay, now split up!"

Five and One immediately went opposite ways as the snake tried to strike them but instead hit the wall. It shook its large head and followed after One. In another room that was dark except for the lit up red circle arena, Two and Three woke up together. Three groaned and rushed to Two's side as he didn't seem to get up.

"Two! Two are you alright? Speak to me!"

His voice was deeper as he laughed menacingly. "I'm fine little girl, but you won't be for long."

He swung his arm around and almost took Three's head off. She jumped back and was scared.

"What is wrong with you Two? This isn't like you at all."

"That wimp? Oh he's not in right now. But I am sweetheart and I will enjoy every bit of pain I inflict upon you."

Three ran away without thinking and began to hide from her deranged friend. In the third room, Four and Claw were already dodging the attacked coming their way from the chimera. They were unsure as to what to do when Claw was unable to use any magic, which he primarily used, and Four was afraid if she tried to fight the chimera she might hit Claw.

"Claw get out of the way so I can burn it to a crisp."

"I'm trying just hit the damn thing already. Don't worry about me!"


Four took off to the far wall of their room and aimed as she charged her shot and waited for the perfect opening to barbeque the beast. Claw kept it distracted and not get turned into a chew toy.

"I'm ready. Get out of the way!" Four shouted.

Claw jumped up high and watched as Four shot the Chimera and was able to damage it severely. Claw smiled.

"I got the rest." He gave a crooked smile as he went up to the creature and took hold of the snakes trying to attack him feebly.

He smashed two together and twisted the neck of the third. The rest of the chimera quivered in fear as Claw took care of it quickly. Four turned away to not look upon the aftermath. Claw appeared beside her clean of any blood.

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