Chapter 10: The Factory Part 1

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            The group of five were now standing in front of the abnormal centered rock in the field as Five stared intently at the map when it started to glow a light purple. She smiled deviously.

"Okay now for this map" she coughed and got her throat ready. "Here we go." She whispered.

Door of Secrets, I command thee

Open your doors for me to see

Truths that lie behind


            The stone began to emanate a dark rosy red light and with a loud boom the stone cracked. Underneath the broken stone was a trap door with a skull with a sword going through the top of the skull through the jaws. Five smiled and clapped her hands in glee. She jumped and spun around as she landed on the door and waved her hand at her friends. They would have smiled if it wasn't for the fact that the wooden door warped around and swallowed Five into the ground in the blink of an eye.

One stood shell shocked. "What the hell just happened?! Five got eaten up by the ground!"

Four said in astonishment, "I've never seen anything like it." She approached the door cautiously and looked around thinking about maybe that was the way. "Maybe that is the way in. We have to let it eat us." She looked at her colleagues.

One stared at her incredulously. "Are you crazy!?"

Three nodded along with Four. "It's worth a shot. Two stand on it. Be a man for once and test it for us ladies so we don't get hurt." Three got behind Two and pushed him towards the enchanted entrance.

Two looked around confused as he tried desperately not to get close to the door. "Ladies? Where? I don't see any."

Four groaned. "That's it, come here." She said irritated.

            Four grabbed Two by his arm and threw him off balance onto the trap door with a thud. She forgot however to let go of his arm and as Two landed with a thud the trap door opened its gaping mouth and took the two down. One's and Three's mouths were wide open staring in shock at what they just saw. One face palmed at the event she just saw, but since she had no other way around to getting inside she and Three stood on top of the door and let it take them down. They slid down a tunnel like a big slide and as they went down further and further into the earth they saw crystals of different shades of blue and purple light their way down. At the bottom of the slide One and Three landed on top of Two and Four who had just gotten up from their recent landing. It was quite ironic.

            Five giggled as they grumbled about being landed on and not having any sort of safe landings since they got into Causpan, but she turned her gaze towards the sickening sight from the landing. In front of her was an industrial city made of nothing but bolts and sheets of iron rusted over from exposure to the neon green liquid pouring out of the mill into the underwater lake. She watched with disgust and hatred darkening her gaze. There was a slight murmur of the people who lived in the iron city and in the very back recesses of the city was a giant factory with billows of smoke coming out of it. Yelling could be heard from that building and the same neon green glow could be seen through the many barred windows in it. The smaller factories gave off the same putrid smoke. Five stared at the ceiling and saw that they had magically put up portals to let the smoke escape and to circulate the musty air.

One had gotten off and stared at the sight, but couldn't quite see it all. "What are you looking at Five?" She couldn't see the prison.

Five said in her unusual serious tone, "Your eyes will adjust soon enough and you, too, shall see the illness that plagues this town."

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