Chapter 7: Meeting the Employers

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Five shouted loudly in her car, "WAKE UP!"

Two woke with a fright and then groaned in reaction, "Oh come on! Let me sleep for another five minutes."

One had woken up, yawned, and then leaned towards Two from her seat and smacked the back of his head. He replied with a loud ouch and turned to look at Five with a small bump forming on the back of his head. Five nodded in content to see them all awake and informed them that they were now at their hotel where they were staying and that they were to be expected as soon as possible after unpacking. Four was excited at the sound of Lord. Two was curious though because Five was wearing a white mask with a red claw mark down the eye. Five didn't seem to really mind wearing it even though the passing people looked at her strangely since they were now in front of the parked care getting out their bags. One told him to mind his own business and that they should focus on unpacking because she was tired of standing. Three agreed.

On the top floor Five handed Two his room key, Three and Four theirs, and walked over to her room which she was to share with One. One had grabbed her two bags and followed Five inspecting the room as they entered. She did see that Three and Four were in the room beside them and Two was right across them. Inside their room One saw that there was an opening to the right that lead to a small kitchen and the room then expanded to accommodate two single beds with a nightstand between them and there was a single table with two chairs and a lamp beside in the corner by the dresser. By one of the beds was a door that led to a bathroom and the window was a bay window that looked over the streets into the main square. The interior was colored cream and dark brown accents.

One remarked on it positively, "Nice place you picked Five. Next time I choose where though." She dropped her bags on the bed closest to the window and jumped onto it.

Five looked at her admonished her. "Hurry up and unpack, One. We have to leave soon; you can't just lie around and do nothing."

"I'm already done unpacking though."

"Yeah right, you haven't even touched you're bags." Five pointed out. Five had enough waiting and picked up her backpack and turned it over to empty it of its contents.

"Wait! Don't do th..." One tried to stop her and failed.

A pile of books fell out along with a small silver square the size of a penial (a/n: a quarter).

"One! I told you to pack important things! Not books about adventure fictions and," She picked up the square, "whatever this is!" She waved it in One's face.

One took it gingerly from Five's grasp and said, "Be careful with this, it's important. Just not to you."

"How can some square of silver be that important?"

"Well," One had a gleam to her eye, "you already know about my ... habit to make new and cool items for myself right? Like my trick coin turning into my pole-ax, and my rings turning into throwing knives. This is kind of like that."

"What do you mean?"

One sighed and told her to just watch. One put the square in the center of her hand and closed her eyes. A slight crackle of electricity flows through her fingers and into the square. A small light of blue pattern flows across the square and slowly the light faded and then the square grew rapidly. When it was done expanding it was now a glove wrist guard on her left hand. Five looked at her funny from beneath her mask and One laughed at her silence. She taped the palm of her hand a small panel in the glove slides over and a holographic screen shoots out of the palm and hovers about her hand.

"Okay then?" Five was still not totally sure of what to make of the situation.

"Yeah, this is pretty helpful; it's my computer, library, map, and hover board caller."

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