Chapter 5: Packing Secrets

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Five yelled forth in her childish demeanor, "Good morning everyone!"

The party moaned as they trudged down the stairs like hell broke loose. Five had risen early because today was the day they were all going to start getting ready for their departure the next day. Five had chosen a book on poisons this morning to read with her tea.

Five went back to reading with a smug smile on her face as she asked innocently, "Did you all get enough sleep? You can have coffee or Fire Blitzer?"

One sat with her face in her hand as she mumbled, "I'll take both."

Two scrunched up his face in distaste. "Have any more tea? I am not a fan of either."

Five nodded as Three said, "Coffee with extra cream."

Four said her order last, "Fire Blitzer."

Five went back to reading as she waved her hand in a circle with a white light coming out forming a spinning tail. As cups and liquids of different drinks floated through the air getting themselves prepared everyone sat down.

Five seemed to look worried. "What happened last night? You don't have a headache do you?"

Everyone glared at Five knowing full well that she was probably behind it after the incident last night, where Three and Four thought it funny to bring home a platypus bear. One freaked out and was chasing it around trying to kill it with Two just standing in the circle outside trying to get One to stop. While this was happening Five was trying to prepare a very important potion that required her complete attention and focus, sadly that didn't turn out well and her room was covered in black sludge as it went horribly wrong.

Five shrugged happily as she spoke to them about their job. "Well as the drinks are getting finished let me tell you the good news about our first job."

Everyone groaned in response, but they listened as best they could as their drinks landed before them with a soft clink.

"We will be leaving the house tomorrow and going to a city named Causpan. There are reports disappearances and murders, but local officials can't find out the problem. It's up to us to find out who and why. So today is a day to pack what you need, while Claw and I prepare everything else." Five stopped to look and see if they were listening but they weren't and were instead intent on drinking and chatting about the weather and previous events. Five sighed. "Finish your drinks and then be off with you all. I'm going to finish my book."

Two looked over at Five and asked, "Hey Five can we talk alone real quick?"

Five agreed and they both went into the kitchen to talk as the others finished drinking and left up the stairs to pack. Two looked back and saw the other three talking animatedly as he turned back to Five as she leaned against the sink with a cup of tea in hand. One had caught on but decided to just keep quiet.

Two asked in a hushed tone, "You saw the man outside the window a while ago didn't you? Do the others know?"

Five's usually cheery demeanor disappeared from her face as it darkened. "How did you notice him?"

"Come on Five, I'm an assassin ... and the fact that I was facing the window." Two's cool façade discovered.

"True. Well, keep it from the others, especially Four and Three, for now okay?"

Two agreed and they walked out of the kitchen back to the table and Three and Four were the only ones left though eating and talking. One had just completely disappeared into thin air. Five sat down and looked about the room before she asked where One had gone. Three and Four had said they didn't see her leave at all or they were just too busy to notice. All of a sudden One's voice was heard in the room but she wasn't to be seen.

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