Chapter 8: Being Tourists ... Sort of

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Three and Four were walking down an alley towards a lane littered with people and were talking to themselves.

Three said, "I feel bad for Two. I mean Bexz."

"Why? It's awesome that he has to act like he's gay. I'd kill for that part."

"Well yeah it's funny, but still."

"It rocks, you have to admit it and you did. Anyways what are we supposed to do?"

"Well, Vix said we had to look out for stuff like clues." Three told her.

"Stuff?" She laughed out loud. "I'm the best stuff finder you'll ever know Syren!"

They both laughed and kept walking. On the next group Five and Two were walking nonchalantly across the roof tops gazing down upon the bustle of the town. Five stopped to look upon one figure that was acting suspicious when Two stopped her focus to talk to her about their whole get up together.

"Why exactly do we have to be a gay couple? Could we not have been brothers or comrades in arms instead? Vix ... Vix, Vix!"

She shushed Two as she searched for the black figure again and couldn't find him. "Shut up Bexz, you're giving me a headache. I chose being a gay couple because it was necessary as the Lord's wife would try to court me because she's infamous for sexual scandals, but now she knows I'm not on the market."

"So you did this so you wouldn't have to get dirty to get information?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up," Five said with no big problem.

"Well then," Two scoffed, "YOU SUCK!"

"Shush!" Five was trying to find a new target to watch, "Would you like to be the one who has to throw their self on her in a sexual manner to get info? I think not so shut up before I lock you up in some other world or something." She said flabbergasted.

Two mocked hurt. "You're so mean to me."

She gave him a look of not caring. "Deal with it, now let's go there's no one we need in this crowd."

They ran across the roofs now in search of other suspicious activity. On One's end she was flying above the crowds and streets on her hover board with black mist falling off her board signaling she was hidden in the shadow world as long as she was not above the houses and close to some form of a shadow.

Claw appeared beside her lying on his back and floating along with her. "You shouldn't be flying." He stated.

She snapped back, "Shut up, it's not like they can see me. What about you though, you're flying?!"

"I can't be seen by mere people's eyes idiot unless I or Ava wish it. Besides you're very seeable by those assassins that are following us in the crowed. You're not a shadow One. You can't just simply melt away." He smirked as he fell into the crowd with no one seeing him into a bunch of black dust.

She muttered, "Asshole."

"I heard that." Claw said from nowhere."


"That too."

One yelled out in anger as she landed on a roof and opened a black vortex and jumped through it closing it behind her. She was now completely gone in the shadows as she appeared in the shadow of the alleys looking into the crowd to see a group of five standing to the side of the road looking about the people trying to find her. She sighed and flew over just above them. She was now sticking her body out the side of the house due to the shadow on it and clapped her hands together. The assassins fell through the earth into a dark chamber with no light. No one noticed from above as Claw saw it from the top of the roof from the across building. He smirked and got comfortable taking in the last rays of sun.

Red light illuminated the square room just enough to see for the assassins. One suddenly appeared in from of one of the men in the group and kicked him under his jaw with a simple front snap kick. He fell to the ground as One followed behind with three knives chucked into his chest. The four were scattered about the room and came running back to see their fallen companion and One standing above his corpse. She fell through the floor as they chased her and she chuckled at their feeble attempts. They looked around panicked.

"You think I'd be defeated so easily." They backed up against each other. "This is the shadow realm pups, you're going to lose." She cackled.

She appeared behind them and put her hands on the shoulder of another male and bolts of electricity shot into him and he fell to the floor convulsing from the left over electricity flowing through his dead body. A girl turned and shot at One with her left pistol, but One dodged and kicked the girl to the ground in the chest. She was sent flying across it cracking her neck against the wall. She tossed up a single coin as another woman threw a punch; she missed and One caught her coin as it turned into an axe. One retreated from the spray of bullets and flipped over the girl that was trying to punch her and as she fell sliced her in half with her weapon.

One felt the blood of her enemy get on her and she took revelry in it. "Whoops I must have slipped again." She laughed mirthlessly.

The last one, a man, came charging at her but was easily tripped as One slashed his back and cut his head clean off. Blood got on her some more. One tossed her ax up and it reverted back into a coin. She placed it into its proper holding and started to clean the blood off her. One had lost her excitement from the small slaughter.

On the roof One appeared and stared down at the content Claw. Claw peeked out his uncovered eye and huffed in disappointment seeing that he had to get up.

"So did you have fun in your little place?" He asked mockingly. "Where did you go? You have some leftover blood on your face."

"Oh thanks," One said open-mindedly. "I just took care of those assassins, it was nothing."

"Yeah, but I asked where?" Claw said showing slight irritation at the counter of his question. "The shadow realm I'm guessing?"

One winked at him. "That's my secret." She glanced at her clock and saw the time. "We better go, Five wants us back in a little while."

Claw shrugged and shot across the sky leaving One in the dust. She had her mouth hanging open astonished and mad at his actions. She thought him an asshole once more as she trailed behind.

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