Chapter 9: What's Next?

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            It the sun was setting from its long day of work and the tired companions congregated back into the inn. They all gathered in Five's and One's room lying about exhausted and empty handed. Five was pacing back and forth trying to encourage her friends to not give up.

"Don't give up guys!" She said cheerfully. "It just means that they aren't located in those areas, but I did get a lead from Claw."

One turned to face Five thinking about how she left him in the dust and asked, "Claw? Where did you go?"

Claw snickered from his hiding spot. "That's my little secret, One. Anyways, the people we are after are the Marauder group. They've been kidnapping civilians, especially those with elemental powers and magic... even regular humans. I don't know why though." Claw tightened his fists at his own ignorance.

Two sat at one of the desk chairs and had his hands running through his hair. "That's great but where do we find them? We still have to search the North side of town and the capital."

Claw smirked, "We don't have to check the North side."

Two looked at Claw bewildered. "Okay? But there's still the Lord's wife. The Lord's wife, Penelope, may have something, but how the hell would we be able to get information from her?"

            Claw was now standing beside Five, when everyone stopped and stared at her with evil intent. Five grimaced knowing exactly what they were planning.

"No! There is no way in hell I'm going near that bitch!"

Two had a sinister grin as he said back, "This is payback for that little gay parade stunt you pulled on me."

One laughed and then realized a flaw in the plan. "Wait a minute, doesn't she still think Five is gay?"

Five agreed on that point seeing a way to maybe get out of this issue, but Two countered, "But Five can always be bisexual. That'll be the way to into her pants because most women always-"

Five clamped a hand over Two's mouth and yelled in his ear, "Shut up! TMI Two!" She rubbed her temples.

            One laughed and said how fun the whole charade was going to be. Five said she hated them all as she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Three and Four were just leaving when One jibed how some girls saw gay guys as more appealing and Five repeated with a quick curse. They left giggling and headed into their own room. Two left holding back his laughter as One and Five continued to argue over the subject.

            The next morning Five was exiting her bathroom in her outfit for the meeting and was waiting for Three's and Four's thoughts on it. She wore her hair in a braid to the side with her white mask on as well, but it wasn't her body they were using. Claw's body was instead on display in a tan vest and red undershirt with black dress pants and shoes. He smirked. Five groaned from inside her waiting place in Claw's brain. The only reason why they kept her hair was because that was what they used when they first met Lady Penelope.

Three said, "You look smoking there Claw."

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