Chapter 18: The Computerized Masquerade

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            Currently the group of six stood before a grand building with columns and stairs made of granite. The double doors were made of large dark wood and were open with a red carpet leading into the building. Claw took Five's arm into his, Two into One's, and Three and Four were to accompany Five and Claw as their unescorted companions.

Five spoke eloquently, "You all remember what to do correct?"

"Yes Five, let's go Two." One said slightly irritated.

One roughly pushed past Five, causing her to stumble in her still weak state; Claw caught her and glared at One's back. Two looked back and tried to go and help Five, but One held him back still rather sore from the previous events. Three and Four were taken aback, but they followed behind Five slowly as she waved them off and proceeded forward as if nothing had transpired. One handed the guards the invitations and were let in. They entered a grand ball room with computer board floors and walls. Tables lined the wall covered in food and drinks.

One marveled at all of the technology. "Whoa ... This place is so awesome."

Claw remarked, "It is alright. Nothing special about it though, yet."

"Well, you just can't appreciate all of the technology behind this place. You are too stupid for that."

One stuck her tongue out at Claw. Five caught it and held it between her fingers and wouldn't let go.

Five admonished them both. "Both of you stop acting like children. We have to act professional, so as to not bring unwanted attention to us."

One retrieved her tongue and said angrily, "Fine."

One walked away with Three and Four attending to her. Two sighed and walked up to Five.

"Are you going to be okay? She hasn't fully forgiven you yet, you know." He reminded her.

Five only smiled back at him and fixed his cravat. "I will recover, but sooner or later she will forgive me as well for what has happened." Five thought, "Hopefully sooner."

Claw disagreed. "I don't know about that Ava. However, let us take it a step at a time."

Five nodded and they all separated. They went from person to person and had conversations with the people at the masquerade to blend in. Five and Claw danced gracefully and enjoyed some drinks with other people. Two and One kept by the tables to eat and talk. Four and Three enjoyed the attention from the men and conversed with them as they drank and ate little morsels that came by on trays. As time went on the room changed. The walls and floors changed from computer boards into a fabulous Victorian ballroom to a Viking hall to an ice styled ballroom and such. The table cloths even changed to match the theme of the room.

One came up to Five and said quietly, "Hey Five..."

Five excused herself from a couple with Claw by her side and smiled at One and looked at her questioningly.

"Yes One? What is it?"

One looked around and whispered. "I'm sorry okay, but let's get past this, I found something. There's a room just down the right hall behind the stairs that leads down into a room."

Five nodded and smiled happily knowing that One wanted to get past what happened. "Alright, is there anything else in the room? Did your shadows see anything?"

"I couldn't tell. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that could mean that something is being hidden magically."

"Got it. Go back to Two, tell him and the others to ready themselves. I'll send Claw out to look deeper into the matter. Go Claw."

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