Chapter 17: Repeating Memories

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            The team trailed behind little Ava as she continued to skip along till they began to see a large door come into view with a white wall stretching from side to side creating an immense wall. They stood in front of it while Five continued to hum.

"How do we get through? Do you have a key, Ava?" One asked.

In response, Ava continued to hum in front of the door and didn't bother to turn around.

Izumi fumed at the disrespect shown to One. "Hey kid! Do you..."

Kaila slapped a hand over his mouth and said. "Shut up Izumi. Her song is the key."

Five continued to hum and the door began to creek open. When she started to actually sing the door flund open with a blinding light. She walked down and grabbed One and Two's hands and walked them through still singing. When they were all through, they found themselves in an immense manicured garden that would be regularly found by a castle.

"Where are we Ava?" Two asked.

Two looked down and saw that Five had grown older and her dress had turn into a white blouse and tan pants with rider boots. She had a black belt on as well.

One looked down as well and asked surprised, "When did you grow older?"

Five looked up and smiled. "I guess whoever sent you hear forgot to mention that every time we pass through a door I grow older. Come on then we have to go and tour my house!" She stated cheerfully.

She laughed as she ran through the garden to see a large manor. Five raced to the door and she stopped and gawked black mist escaping past the door. She grew frightened and ran back.

She screamed, "Help! Help!" Tears ran down her face.

A long black tendril burst through the door and ensnared Five's ankle. She screamed in agony reverted back to the small girl before. Two summoned his ice weapons, but One darted past him and cut the tentacles and caught Five's limp body. Five was pale and looked ill.

One ran back to Two and looked at Five. She shivered and smiled as she mumbled, "Thank ..."

"It was noth..." One stopped.

More tentacles shot out of the door as a large black beast erupted from it in the shape of a man with horns. It smiled as fire escaped its mouth and charged the group. One dodged the tentacles and fell back.

"What the hell is that?" Two exclaimed.

"It wants the girl! We have to kill it!" Kaila replied.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Izumi said excitedly.

Izumi and Kaila launched forward at the monster weapons ready, dodging and cutting off tentacles as they continue to reappear. Two rushed to One and took the shivering five from her arms to check on her. He knelt to his knees and felt her forehead.

One asked worried, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know. It seems like a cold shiver from shock but it has to be more than just that." Two stumbled over his many thoughts on explanations.

One shook her head and ordered, "Take care of her; you're the only one with healing capabilities right now. I am going to take care of this pain in my butt."

The monster roared and smacked Kaila into a wall and sent Izumi crashing into some rose bushes. Its sights focused on One and then looked past her at Five on the ground with Two administering a potion. He started to move forward, but One appeared right in front of its face with a smirk.

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