Chapter 13: Rainy Past Dreams

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            The morning was calm as the sky grew grey readying for a long day of rain. Five was sitting in her regular place at the table reading a new book on casting spells pertaining to weather and enjoying a nice steaming cup of tea from the Juvian Isles. Claw sat beside her in a tilted chair with a cup of cracker beer, made from the garden, while he spent time whittling wood into a peculiar plant of some sort. One came trudging down the stairs slow as a snail and sat at the table and let her head fall to the table.

From her position One asked, "Please tell me it is going to be sunny?"

Claw snickered. "Why the tired look sweet cheeks?"

"Shove it up your ass Claw and just tell me would you?"

Five said matter of fact as she read, "It will be cloudy and will rain for the day."

One tilted her head up to look at Five and asked pathetically, "Tell me you can change the weather?" Then she paused and looked at the book Five had in her hands. "Wait, how do you know it'll rain the entire day?" She eyed Five behind her book.

Five sighed and bookmarked her place. "I can change the weather, but I won't. To answer your last redundant question, I have future sight moron."

One bemoaned her predicament and lamented, "Screw you... why will you not change the weather for me?"

Five took up her reading again as she stated, "I need the rain for my garden and the mayor came by earlier this morning asking for me to cast a rain spell because of the recent drought they have been having."

"It's only been three months since the last rain fall. Can they not wait a little longer?" Five was silent. "This rain spell of yours is pure evil."

Claw snickered. "It's your fault for being impervious to the rainy weather."

One growled, "You little..."

Before she could do anything Five yelled sleep and thrust her hand open and casted a spell that came out as a red symbol on One's face causing her to fall asleep immediately. Claw laughed but shut up as soon as Five glared at him. Five gave him a smack on the head as she snapped her fingers and One faded away and returned to her room. Claw looked at Five and smiled at her.

Five rolled her eyes and said back, "That will keep her asleep for the rest of the day. I deserve some peace and quiet." Claw eyed her still. "What? I couldn't refuse. I mean what would it prove if I said no?"

"You'd be seen as a major jerk and being you-know-what doesn't help the fact that you have to as an obligation." Five didn't look too assured, so Claw reaffirmed her decision, "One is going to live so trust me and keep the rain on. It'll be a nice relaxing day after a week of One being in a cranky mood because she was on her... What is it called again?"

Five laughed at Claw's forgetfulness of a woman's period. "Do you mean something along the lines of the "womanly bill"?"

"Yeah that thing, why is it you don't get it?"

"You idiot, I thought you'd know for the last few hundred years we've been together. I can prevent things from happening."

Four had just entered the room to hear Five's last comment and asked bewildered, "Prevent what sort of things from happening?"

Five was startled and jumped out of her seat and fell on the floor nearly knocking the table over and shattering the tea set, but Claw was able to keep the table from falling over. Five laughed nervously.

"Oh weather and that sort of thing, anyways," Five tried to find a cover up for her fumble, "you hair looks ... lovely?"

Four glared at her and took a seat beside her and took a cookie from the platter. "Don't patronize me, Five. I'm not a child anymore, however, I will ask where are the energy drinks and roll ups?"

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