Chapter 4: A Trip of Three into Town and the Aftermath

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Three woke up in her room with the curtains pulled and light flooding in through the portal. She turned over groggily and saw her partner's disheveled bed and her not on it. She thought, 'Four must be up already.' Slowly she got up and walked down the stairs and found a feast waiting upon the table, not even noticing the fighting amongst her comrades in the room she had entered from the stairs.

The spread laid about the table contained sausage, eggs, coffee, and a salad made of fruit from the garden. Five sat at the table quietly like usual with her cup of tea and a small plate of breakfast. She looked up and smiled at Three who was getting her plate ready to eat.

"Good morning Three, how are you this morning?"

"Tired as shit, what about yourself?" Three paused and looked around to finally study her surroundings. "Where are the others?"

Five sighed, "One, Two, and Four are in the living room eating. You may join them if it pleases you, but a word of caution from me, don't."

"Thanks," Three said uneasily. She didn't know what to expect from what Five said.

Three finished off her plate that consisted of nothing but eggs and fruit with a modest cup of coffee to go with it, but before going she stopped to ask Five to join them, not knowing why Five had good reason not to want to join.

"Well, why not?"

"Because the others are in a dispute on what the plan for today would be." Five replied exasperated.

"Why? I thought we'd just stay here and look around the grounds."

"I wish it was that simple." Five chuckled at Three's simple thoughts of the subject. "They want to see the grounds and the forest or just the town. Instead, what would you like to do today, Three?"

"I was hoping to go into town with Four to see if there was a market day."

Five hummed in agreement. "That would be nice. How about we leave the others and go out just for ourselves then?"

"Sure, let me just go get Four and I finish my breakfast."

Five nodded in acceptance and continued her reading as Three skipped into the other room and grabbed Four. One and Two worn their faces of rage on and their heads were grinding against one another's.

One screamed at the top of her lungs, "We should go to the woods and make sure there isn't any danger!"

Two rebutted, "We should go into town though and see if there are people looking for us first!"

Four tried to step in, but Three stopped her and told her secretively about her and Five's plan to go out and leave the other two in their argument. Four chuckled and got up after Three and followed behind. One and Two continued their talking without a single pause as their other friends finished their breakfast and left the house to go to town. Down the road on Five's cart Four asked about today's plan at the town.

"Well, Three told you we're going to town. I remembered today the market was open so it would be a great opportunity to live like the old days and stock up before bad weather hit us."

"Hey Five," Three began, "is it okay for us to pick out what we wanted, besides what's on your list of what to get?"

Five chuckled at Three's question. She had been taught great manners. "Pick out whatever you want just ... make sure I see it."

Four cried out in glee. "Let's buy as many sweets and treasures as possible Three."

"Yeah! Also, what is the name of this town Five?" Three asked from the back of the wagon with Four.

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