Chapter 11: The Factory Part 2

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Back track a bit dear reader to where Five said "... now be gone you four." With a curt 'yes mom' comment from One. This is where the beginning starts to Five's adventure in the musty cavernous hide away.

As soon as the four left Five walked in the opposite direction towards a large white dusty tent featured in the center of this colony of murders and thieves. There was the one she hunted as prey. Before meeting the dastardly brute who took charge in ending what little joy she once had, Five passed by one of the four main factories. Carefully she applied a small pile of four explosives to the base corners of the structure, then placed more at the top. She then gracefully floated down to the ground from the top of the building returning her focus to the white tent.

Claw telepathically from within Five said, "This is too easy Ava, wouldn't there be more men around to guard the place?"

Five smiled. "Not for very long, Claw, have patience and you'll later see what I mean."

Five opened the palm of her hand and ignited a black flame. The flame danced around in her hand in joyous chaos before throwing her hand back and letting the little flame ignite the bombs. This was the needed distraction for her companions and to cause enough confusion to bring an opening for her, but it was also the added chaos that Five needed at the moment to calm her anxious nerves. The booms erupted throughout the cavern as Five continued on her slow pace up the hill to the tent letting the blast whip her cape and hood about her frame.

Claw resumed, "I see then. It was a nice little gift, but it was not as good as our last show." He chuckled and darkly remarked, "This feels almost like the old times together, right Ava?"

Five nodded to no one in particular. "It is a nice reprieve, however, we must focus while enjoying the feeble attempts to settle the hell fire. Ever burning fire, or hell fire, sure is a nice trick to know."

Claw gasped in mock shock. "My goodness Ava, you little devil, why must you be ever so cruel?"

Five scoffed, "You're one to talk, but I had to enjoy someone's pain. Pain is what we feed on from time to time, but the last time we fed upon a soul or sorrow was ..."

Five stopped as Claw appeared beside her in front of the tent. He hugged her. "Will you ever tell One about that night? Tell her about how she gave her family up to us when we no longer held sanity or a moral compass? What will you do when she finds out?"

Five sighed and looked to the ground and then surveyed the area behind her. "I don't know, for the first time in many years. It won't tell me what will happen, all that I know is that when it does it'll mean the start of a new beginning for us." She gripped Claw's hand in her own with a firm grasp. She bit her lip before shaking her mind of those thoughts and turned to Claw with her usual cheery self. "Did you set up the toys I gave you?"

Claw shook his head at her antics. "Yes! How could I not?" He returned just as excited, but with less pep. "Do you think I'd disobey you and not give us a little fun?"

She shook her head no in response. "I'm just making sure you don't forget like you sometimes do."

Claw held his hands to his chest not letting her hand go. "You hurt me Ava."

Ava punched his shoulder playfully. "Will you stop that? We're here now so let's be quick somewhat."

Five stared at the intricately decorated tent entrance. Gold and red thread were interwoven to create the flaming skull with the dual swords. A character was written on it with a dragon tattoo to add to the two dragons on the sides of the head. Five glared daggers as a hidden flame glowed behind her eyes thinking of the dastardly acts that had occurred with this group. Claw snarled in response to the sense of angry aura Five was giving off. His hair began to stand on end. Five stayed her hand and put it on the side of his face to calm him. He stopped and looked off.

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