Chapter 6: Camping Fun

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Along the way in the car, Three and Four were animatedly chatting to themselves like usual and Two was daydreaming as he stared at the passing scenery. Five was reading in the passenger seat with an amulet so she wouldn't get car sickness. One at the moment was driving on the lonely road at an insane speed that wasn't meant to be.

Two asked attentively, "Um, how fast are we actually going? In addition to that, why in the name of the Mother Goddess is One driving us to our job? I mean if she gets caught driving just about anywhere in East Caldor she'll be hanged along with us. I mean come on, Five."

One answered back mockingly, "Shut up Two or I'll toss you out of the car and you can walk your sorry little butt to Causpan and we aren't even half way there through Jmall."

Five sighed and warned, "One." She stopped and went back to focus on the road. "Two, I'm letting her drive because she is the most likely to not kill us in a car crash and I put up a cover spell. Did you flipping forget I was a mage or something?"

Two murmured, "Maybe a little, but still can't you drive better than she can?"

One glared daggers quickly in Five's direction before turning to the road. Five just shrugged and told Two to shut up and that she wanted to read and that he should complain seeing as how the other two weren't complaining one bit about it. She asked how they were doing and they responded back happily.

Three chirped back, "I'm fine. Just reading and talking about all of the cute boys there are in Causpan."

Four encouraged the idea. "Yeah! Isn't it known for all its attractive men and metallurgy? I mean I've seen most of the models in the magazines are from Causpan."

Five laughed. "Technically yes, but we are here for work not for boy watching. You can do that as much as you please afterwards. Besides, we'll be exploring the town and taking in the sights like the bookstores, antiques, magic stores, and restaurants as a part of the job."

One sounded less than pleased with some of the suggestions. "Antiques and bookstores? What the hell are you talking about? We're not old and crusty like you Five. We are young and seeking advent-"

Five didn't want to listen to the rest of One's incessant chatter about being young and needing excitement and just zipped up her mouth causing One to be silenced. Five then went on her ran about priceless knowledge and that she needed it for... but Five stopped herself before going on and just continued reading and just let One acquire her voice back. The others were concerned but decided it was better not to push it. One saw a clearing and thought it best to pull over for the night. She told Five to go and unpack, but she couldn't finish her sentence because Five already left the car as soon as it was parked and proceeded to get out the things they needed to camp for the night. She quickly flicked her hand about and the camp was setting itself up.

Once Five sat down by the fire and began to cook did everyone else settle around the fire. One thought it a good idea to finally get to know her new comrades.

"So Three tell us more about yourself? We've never really gotten acquainted. I think it best we all did." One eyed Five who smiled, but showed no further sign she wanted to participate.

Three responded back scoffing, "Why?"

Two got the idea and reinforced the idea, "We're a team now. As such we should get to know each other and grow stronger as a group."

One rolled her eyes. "Some shit like that. So how about you start and then Four, Two, myself, and ... Five?"

Five looked from cooking the food to her teammates and said, "Sure, I'll tell you about something. Three please begin your tale of how you began and how you came here."

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