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Group chat: iMessage
RDJ ☕️, Raven 💄, Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖, and Kyle 🎤, Amethyst 💐

RDJ ☕️
I should've scolded you both earlier, but what was that back there?
Are you and Tom out of your minds?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Fighting and exposing on Instagram?

Amethyst 💐

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Don't be a smartass with me, love.

Kyle 🎤
I know you guys are broken up, but you shouldn't have done that, especially since it's on social media. Everyone can see that

Raven 💄
It would've been better if you guys did it over text, over a phone call, or at least in person

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
You're right..

Amethyst 💐
It's my fault. I didn't mean to comment something like that at first.
It was kind of immature and dramatic

RDJ ☕️
Tom, I suggest that you erase that pic right now, or delete the comments and stuff.

Kyle 🎤
What if people screenshotted some stuff already?

RDJ ☕️
You're right..

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I remembered something

Raven 💄
What is it?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I was talking to Arden a while back, before Amethyst and I got together..
She was talking about how you and Amethyst fell apart, Kyle.

Kyle 🎤
What did she say?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
She said that Kyle changed when Amethyst got a role on Teen Wolf

Kyle 🎤
That's true.. I did.
I became jealous because she became really close with Dylan Sprayberry.
We got into an argument, and we took a break.
I focused on music, while she focused on more of her acting.
Amethyst 💐

RDJ ☕️
Okay, continue.

Kyle 🎤
I became cocky, and fame got to me.
Then Raven came along..
Wait, why are we talking about this? I thought we were past this?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Because.. Arden told me that Raven didn't know that you were dating Amethyst at that time

Kyle 🎤
She said that? Arden doesn't know the entire story then.
Tom, I told you everything. That was the truth. Whatever Arden told you, she probably heard a way different story from someone else.
She needs to stop listening to the media, because they're all liars on the Internet.
What else did Arden tell you?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
She said that you met Raven through Emery? Because he's dating Kelli

Kyle 🎤
Yes, and no.
I met Raven through Amethyst, but Emery and Kelly hooked us up..

Amethyst 💐

Raven 💄

RDJ ☕️
Amethyst, you didn't know that?

Amethyst 💐
I had no idea that Emery and Kelli were behind this.
I thought that they were my friends.

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Idk who to believe.

Kyle 🎤
Tom, I told you the truth. I would never lie to you. Arden said some true things, but half of the things come from the media.
It's easy to believe the paps and stuff, ya know

Amethyst 💐
This.. This is too much.
I'm so confused and overwhelmed

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
You're telling me..

RDJ ☕️
Teenage drama.

Kyle 🎤
You two need to make up.

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I don't think it's that simple..
She broke up with me

Amethyst 💐
Oh, so you're saying it's my fault?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I'm not blaming you.
You were the one who broke up with me, remember?

Amethyst 💐
I had a reason, Tom.
You know that.

Raven 💄
As much as I love you Amethyst, you are so blind. Is it because of what Charlie explained? It isn't your fault. It's the douchebag that hurt your mother. And it's your mother's fault.
If your mother really loved you, she'd spend half of her lifetime looking for you; visiting the Cho family here. But no, she didn't.
She wasn't there when you needed her the most. It was Mr. and Mrs. Cho. And Arden.
Now that Charlie's here, you can rekindle things with her and maybe your mom and brother, too.

Kyle 🎤
Raven has a point. You aren't a mistake, Amethyst. You are more than enough for Tom.
You don't have to be perfect and better.
You ARE better.
Can't you see that you're the only girl he needs and loves?

Amethyst 💐
I can't just forgive my mother just like that. Charlie? I can. She didn't do anything wrong, even though her and Trey hated me when I wasn't even born.
I wouldn't blame them, though.
I would hate me too at the time

RDJ ☕️
Amethyst, please.
Just end this drama and make up with Tom. It's ridiculous.

Amethyst 💐
Think about what Chadwick said.
He's right.

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Yes, Chad is right. I will never give up on us, Amethyst.
I will keep fighting for you. Always.
Remember all the things I told you?
They're all true.

Amethyst 💐
Tom.. I can't.

Kyle 🎤
Here we go again.

Amethyst 💐
I.. I'm sorry for being so dramatic.
I.. I just need some time and space..
I'm sorry.

Raven 💄

Amethyst left the groupchat.

RDJ ☕️
I'm sorry, Tom.
The drama you two are going through needed to be stopped..

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
No worries.
I think..

Raven 💄
You think what?

Kyle 🎤
Please don't say what I think you're gonna say...

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
If that's what she wants..
Then I'll do it.

RDJ ☕️
Do what?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I'm gonna let her go.

I'm sorry 😭

There are two or three chapters left of this book yeah boyyyy

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