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"As much as I would love to stay and chat, I have to talk to Amethyst." Tom stated as he finished signing a fan's notebook. "Go get her Tom! You two deserve to be happy together." A brunette fan exclaimed, and Tom smiled at her. "Thank you so much. Bye everyone! I love you all so much!" Tom turned and ran off again as the fans cheered him on. He made his way inside of the hotel and rushed towards the elevator. When he arrived at the floor where Arden's hotel room was, he rushed over to hers and Amethyst's shared room.

To his surprise, the door was half opened. If it was closed, she wouldn't let him in anyway, so Tom mentally thanked the gods in the sky for this very moment. Amethyst was sitting on the edge of her bed crying her eyes out, and Tom didn't hesitate to enter the room. "Amethyst?" The Filipina quickly looked up at the sound of his voice, and she stood up before hastily wiping her tears away. "T-Tom? What're you doing here? H-how did you get in?" "The door was half opened.." Tom began as he took a step towards her. Amethyst turned away from him and sniffled. "No. Please get out, Tom."

A pained look appeared on Tom's face, and he lets out an exasperated sigh. "Stop pushing me away!" He exclaimed, and Amethyst turns to face him, flashing him a glare. "Oh, so you're gonna get mad at me now, huh? How could you? You knew that she did all those things to me, yet you chose to be with her!" "I was never dating her! I was just using her, okay? I know I'm a horrible person, but I had a reason!" Tom shouted, not realizing what he had just admitted at that very moment. Amethyst's eyes widened at his confession, causing her to immediately take a step back. "What?"

Tom's eyes widened when he realized what he had just said, and he lets out a soft sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I," He began, calming down a bit, "after you told me those things about Kyle and Raven.. I.. I wanted to avenge what they did to you. I pretended to have feelings for Raven. You know, try to get her to fall in love with me. I needed information out of her, because I know she'll make up a story to cover up what really happened. I wanted her to tell me the whole truth, because I felt like she was lying to me, and she would continue to lie to me. Hell, I know she is a liar, since Arden practically told me everything. And then, there's Aramis.." Tom paused his rambling, and Amethyst sniffled before crossing her arms over her chest. "Aramis is her ex.. They dated for a good three years.. She dumped him because she fell in love with Kyle."

"Really?" Tom asked as his eyes widened slightly, and Amethyst nodded before looking away. "Aramis was one of my best friends. He still is though. Him and Raven used to be so happy. They were in love. But then, she got involved with Kyle after he entered our lives. She didn't want to cheat on Aramis, so she just.. Yeah." Tom stepped back like he'd been hit by a stray bullet, and Amethyst turned her head to meet his gaze. "I was so angry. Not only she took Kyle away from me, but she also took you away from me, too. But, I didn't want to do anything, especially since I'm not like her when it comes to sabotaging relationships.." "She took me away from you?" Tom asked quietly as he stared at her with his mouth slightly agape, and Amethyst lets out an exasperated sigh before giving him a look.

"Are you that dumb, Tom? Kyle and I ended things for good, because I realized that I had feelings for you. I realized that I was falling in love with you, no matter how many times I tried to deny it. But then, Raven had to ruin it and steal you away from me. You were all I thought about, and whenever she's in the way, I wanted to punch and scream at her. I should've, but I didn't. I always thought that you she didn't deserve you, but I believed you when you said that you liked her." Amethyst took a deep breath, her eyes softening as she looks up at him. "And now, finding out about all of this, how you're doing this for me.. It made me realize how in love I am with you. I try so hard to not show my feelings for you but.. I couldn't fight it off any longer. When Raven swooped in, I wanted to be selfish and have you all to myself, but.. I just let her have you, instead of fighting for you. I was so hurt though, Tom. Even though you two weren't officially together, it still killed me to see you with her."

"Now you know how I felt when you took Kyle back. It hurt me a lot. When you got back together with him, I was so angry and heartbroken. But being there for you as a friend, I supported whatever decisions and choices you made, no matter how painful it was. I told myself that I'd treat you way better than he ever did. But yet, you still chose him over me. So, I tried to move on. I couldn't, though. I had an alternative, which led me to pursue what I had in mind with Raven. To be honest, she's a beautiful girl. She's great, and I genuinely liked her. However, what her and Kyle did to you never left my mind. I did everything I could just for you to feel the way I feel, but yet, you were still so blinded by your ex."

Amethyst's eyes softened even more as guilt coursed through her body. "I didn't realize how deep my feelings got for you. I pushed them away, but they just grew worse. Ever since you officially came into my life, you brought out the best in me. You make me so happy, and I never felt this way with anyone, not even Kyle. Just you, Tom. When I saw how happy Raven was whenever she was with you, it made me happy that you two were happy. Your happiness is very important to me. But, at the same time, I don't want you with anyone else. I want to be the girl who makes you laugh and smile. I want to be the reason for your smile. I want to be there to let you hold me in your arms. I want to be the girl you get to call yours. I just want you, Tom. Why can't you see that?"

Tom's eyes widened as his heart began to race rapidly in his chest, watching Amethyst with an unreadable expression on his face. He sucked in a breath when Amethyst began to walk towards him, her eyes never leaving his. "I love you." Tom's breath hitches in his throat as the corners of his lips turned upwards into a soft grin, and he meets Amethyst halfway. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that." Amethyst's heart skipped a beat as she smiled lovingly at him, and Tom stood in front of her, no distance between them whatsoever. He gently cups her cheeks with his hands, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears away. "I love you, too." Amethyst's smile grew, and she reached up on her tippy toes to place her lips on Tom's. Tom instantly returns the kiss with a loving grin, his arms now wrapping themselves around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to him.

Amethyst wraps her arms around Tom's neck, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. This kiss was different than her first kiss with Kyle all those years ago. This kiss was slow, passionate, and filled with love and want. Tom finds himself lifting her up so that she could wrap her legs around his waist, causing heat to creep up Amethyst's body. "See? As promised, you're Mary Jane Watson with your legs wrapped around my waist and I could web you up." Tom joked with a smirk on his face, causing Amethyst to blush profusely. "Shut up." She mumbles before leaning in to kiss him again, and he immediately tilted his head to deepen the kiss. "Easy there, Tiger." Amethyst jokingly muttered against his lips, stifling a giggle when Tom sheepishly grins in response.

Suddenly, Arden walked towards hers and Amethyst's shared hotel room with Sebastian, Robert, Paul Rudd, Peyton List, Harrison, and Elizabeth right behind her, but stopped when they saw Tom and Amethyst. "Woah." Sebastian mumbled with widened eyes, and Peyton List covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a squeal. "Are you sure that this is the right room, Arden?" Robert asked with an amused look on his face, and Arden quickly nodded her head, still frozen on her spot. "Let's leave them. They're having quite a moment." Harrison said, and Paul Rudd nodded. "Good idea. We can discuss this tomorrow."

The seven of them quietly backed away, softly closing the door afterwards. Tom and Amethyst continued kissing, not hearing the quiet but audible click of the hotel room door as he slowly walked backwards while holding her against his body. The back of Tom's knees met the edge of the bed, causing him to sit down with Amethyst now straddling his lap. As he rests his hands on her waist, Amethyst suddenly pulls away from him, her lips now swollen and cheeks flushed. "Wait, Tom?" "Yeah, babe?" Tom breathes out, his lips also swollen and cheeks flushed. Amethyst stared deep into his beautiful eyes, butterflies now roaming around in her stomach. "What are we?"

Tom's eyes widened at her question as he looked up at her, his hands gently massaging her waist as the corners of his lips upturned into a soft smile. "Whatever you want us to be, love." Amethyst smiles in return as she leans into him, resting her forehead against his. "I want to be yours," She whispered, pulling him in a gentle, loving kiss. "I want to be all yours." Tom smiled like a lovesick fool as he returns the kiss, gently laying down on the bed with Amethyst on top of him.

"You've always been mine, Amethyst Claire."


No, they didn't have seggs! Too soon 😅

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