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Group chat: iMessage
Avengers Assemble Pt. 2

RDJ ☕️ added everyone to Avengers Assemble Pt. 2.

RDJ ☕️
Amethyst, what the hell was that back there?
You are in serious trouble, young lady.

Chrisizzle ❤️💙
Amethyst, that's too much.
You hurt Tom's feelings.

Tom 🕸💙❤️
No! It's okay.
She was just defending Kyle

Crystal 💖
No, that's not okay.
She disrespected you.

Dyl 🤓⚾️
Okay that's it.
We're about to fIGHT KYLEY DICKY

TPose 🐺
Do you realize that Kyle cheated on you with Raven? And you're still gonna take him back after that, and still be friends with Raven?
What the fUCK MAN

Strawberry 🍓
You suck Amethyst

Amethyst 💐
Stop fucking hating on me.
I appreciate Tom's sweetness, but he's treating my boyfriend like crap

Henryzzle 🌚
*ex boyfriend

Michael 🐸
He cheated on you with her for three years straight

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Woah, what?
Three years straight?

Colton 🐳
Like, the entirety of their relationship

Tom 🕸💙❤️

Amethyst 💐
Look Tom, I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.
I was being a huge shithead

Tom 🕸💙❤️
No worries, love.
It's okay

Cody C 😎
I hear the sound of your heart breaking through those lIES

Sebby 🦀
We're so disappointed in you, Amethyst.

Amethyst 💐
I'm sorry for being a bitch

Cody S 🤓

Amethyst 💐
I'm sorry for being so disrespectful.
Okay? Bye.

Amethyst left the groupchat.

Tom 🕸💙❤️
I'll handle this.
It's my fault anyway

Big sis Arden 💘
No, no. If anything, it's hers and Kyle's.
Mostly Kyle's.
He's such a bitch.
I wanna cut him

Shells 👸🏼
Who doesn't?
That bitch.

Tom 🕸💙❤️
I'll talk to you all later

Mack Attack 🐦
Good luck my boy

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Thanks, I need it.x

Chadwick 🐱

Private chat: iMessage
Tom 🕸💙❤️, Amethyst 💐

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Amethyst? I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault.
I interfered with everything..

Amethyst 💐
It's okay.
No, no, you didn't interfere.
I'm sorry about Kyle.
I.. He gets overprotective sometimes

Tom 🕸💙❤️
I'm starting to get overprotective too. You're mine in the first place.
It's fine, I understand haha.
He was just looking over you

Amethyst 💐
But, he has no right to say those things.
I'm sorry..

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Well.. It's fine.
You're forgiven, love.

Amethyst 💐
It's not that easy.
I'll make it up to you

Tom 🕸💙❤️
We're thousands of miles away from each other

Amethyst 💐
Meet me in the airport in Georgia tomorrow afternoon

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Woah, what?!
You're coming?!

Amethyst 💐
You bet I am 😘

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Oh my god, is this really happening?

Amethyst 💐
It is.
I will give you the biggest hug first.

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Of course ☺️
Is Kyle still coming?

Amethyst 💐
Um.. I'm gonna have to ask him.
If he doesn't want to come, then it's just me and the others

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Oh, alright

Amethyst 💐
Yeah. So, I'll get packing..
See you soon?

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Okay, and see ya 😊
Have a safe flight xx

Amethyst 💐
Thank you, Tom.
Bye 💕

Tom 🕸💙❤️
Bye 😘
( READ, 8:32 PM )


After the last chapter, people wanted to fight me 🌝 I love you all, and I'm so sorry ❤️ I wanted Amethyst to be different from Allison from my other Tom Holland fic, Keep My Promises.

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