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"Tom, where are you going?" Zendaya asked as Tom rushed offset with his jacket hanging around his shoulders. Harrison followed closely, and Tony walked right in front of the two, blocking their path. "Are you guys okay? What's the rush?" "Amethyst is at the hospital." Harrison hurriedly replied, and Zendaya's eyes widened. "You're kidding, right?" "No. She almost overdosed. Jake called Tom a while ago, and the director let us both leave so we can go see her." Harrison added and Tony's face fell, Tom rushing right past him. "Oh damn. Can we come along?" "I wish you guys could, but you have filming to do. We'll keep you guys updated, no worries." Harrison stated, and Zendaya nodded her head. "Okay. See you later." Harrison shoots Zendaya and Tony a small smile, and he followed Tom over to his car. Tom was already in the driver's seat by the time Harrison got in the passenger's side, and Tom instantly turned on the engine.

As he swiftly backed out of the parking lot, Harrison sighed. "Mate, you need to relax before we get into a car accident. Amethyst is okay. She didn't do it." "I'm trying to relax. I can't lose her, Haz." "You won't. Just calm down. It'll be okay. If you won't relax, you'll feel too overwhelmed, and something will happen to you. The only thing we can do now is pray." Harrison reassured, and Tom sighed as he drove off. "You're right. I'm sorry, mate." "No, it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for." Harrison replies as he shoots him a soft smile. A few minutes passed by and Tom turned a street, the hospital immediately coming into view. As he drove into a parking space, he got out of the car with Harrison, and ran ahead towards the hospital's entrance. "Hi, how may I help you?" A blonde woman at the front desk asked, and Tom but his bottom lip. "Amethyst Cho, please?" "She's on the third floor, in room 302. What is your relationship with the patient?"

"He's her boyfriend, and I'm a close friend of hers." Harrison added, and Tom quickly nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm her boyfriend." "Okay. You two may see her." "Thank you." Tom replied as him and Harrison rushed towards the elevators. As they both arrived at the third floor, everyone was already there. "How is she?" Tom asked worriedly, and Sebastian turned his head upon hearing his voice. "She's asleep at the moment. She didn't overdose. Robert saved her just in time." "Thank god." Tom sighed in relief, and Robert didn't hesitate to pull Tom in an embrace. "She's gonna be okay. Don't worry." "Thank you so much. If you hadn't saved her... S-she would've been... Gone. I don't know what I'd do without her." Tom stated and Robert slightly pulled away. "Anytime, son. But, thank god she's still here."

"Can I please see her?" Tom asked, and Scarlett nodded her head. "You can." Tom smiled at everyone else before he made his way into the room where Amethyst was. He slowly opened the door and sucked in a breath at the sight in front of him. Even with the breathing tube connected to her, Amethyst still looked beautiful. She'll always look breathtaking to Tom, no matter what. He shuts the door behind him and made his way over to her bed. He then sat down on a chair, and gently grasps her hand in his. "Hey, darling." He softly greeted as he bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from crying. "H-how are you? I'm so happy that you didn't do it. Otherwise, I would've gone insane." He softly chuckled afterwards, and then he sniffled. "Why? Why were you trying to kill yourself, love?"

Tom was shaking; his lips quivered and his body trembled, and more tears fell down his cheeks. "You are too precious for this world. If you actually did commit.. I don't know what I'd have done without you.." Amethyst laid there, breathing softly as she slept. Tom entwined their fingers and lifted their hands up to his lips, gently kissing her knuckles. "You are not a mistake, Amethyst. Please don't ever think that. None of this is your fault. Your mother didn't know what she was saying or doing. Arden just wanted you to live a happy life. That's why she hid this from you. And Charlie? Please don't hate your sister. She didn't ruin your happiness. She needed to tell you, because you are mature enough to find out everything. They didn't hide this from you for no reason. They both love you very much, and I know deep down inside that your mum does too."

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