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Group chat: iMessage

Amethyst 💐 added Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖, Raven💄, Kelso 👑, Bradley 🏂, Strawberry 🍓, Jakester 🎭, Billers 🌝, Rhambo 🕶, Peyton 👾, Haz 🎬, Karan ⚽️, Corey 🎮, Row 🐶, Sabrina 💁🏼, and Pey List 💍 to the group chat.

Amethyst 💐
Hi guys ☺️

Billers 🌝
Oh, no adults now, huh 😏

Kelso 👑
You ass.
We're all considered adults, it's just that it's the young adults

Billers 🌝
I was kidding you tittle.
I'm not a dumbass

Corey 🎮
Why am I so entertained

Peyton 👾
Is there a meeting, Amethyst?

Amethyst 💐
It's about this party that TPose is throwing next week.
Like a summer party

Strawberry 🍓
I heard about that!
Wait, we should add more people.

Strawberry 🍓 added Mason , Michael 🐸, Fro-Yo 🍨, Andrew 🧸, Henryzzle 🌚, Victoria 💜, Kyle 🎤, Emery 🎧, and Liam 🎼 to the group chat.

Henryzzle 🌚
Well hello hello

Haz 🎬
What is this party about?

Victoria 💜
Apparently, TPose wants to throw a summer party on Malibu beach for the release of teen wolf season 6

Michael 🐸
But we just went to one last night?

Raven 💄
Yeah, but it's just us instead of thousands of more people

Kyle 🎤
That's what's up.
When is it?

Strawberry 🍓
Next week.
Is anyone in, or they have plans?

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
I have a press conference with the Homecoming cast, but I think Zendaya, Tony, Jacob, Harrison, and I will be able to make it

Jakester 🎭
Guys, I'm in charge of food because I'm a sumo wrestler when it comes to food itself

Rhambo 🕶
Same lmao

Amethyst 💐
Do you have anymore details?

Strawberry 🍓
TPose said that it's from 1-10

1 pm through 10 pm?
That's lit

Emery 🎧
Did he rent out the whole beach or something? 😂

Victoria 💜
Yup, he did.
That's TPose alright 😂

Kelso 👑
I'm so in.
It's gonna be fun!!

Karan ⚽️
What about fans?

Strawberry 🍓
I'm not sure about that.
TPose said it's fine though, just take pics and sign autographs and stuff

Row 🐶
Plus, next week marks Tomethyst's 3 months 😍

Sabrina 💁🏼

Pey List 💍
Omg, you two have been together for 3 months already 😭❤️

Haz 🎬
Wow, time sure does fly by

Bradley 🏂
I'm so emotional, don't look at me

Jakester 🎭
I'm gonna cRy but I'm a big boy.
Big boys don't cRY

Raven 💄
Lmao same 😂 #biggirlsdontcry

Amethyst 💐
I'm so happy 💕
Three months already?
I'm just 😭❤️

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Me too 😘
It goes by so fast ❤️

Liam 🎼
Brb while I cry the entire nile river

Strawberry 🍓
So, anymore questions?

Pey List 💍
I think we're good.
Don't you have a photoshoot today, Amethyst?

Amethyst 💐
Sadly, yes 😩
I'm tired of these photoshoots omg

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Can I come? ☺️

Bradley 🏂
Oh 😏

Peyton 👾

Corey 🎮
He wants to see all of that 👀

Kelso 👑
Y'all are nasty ass bitches

Fro-Yo 🍨
Calm down

Raven 💄

Kyle 🎤
Let Tom live yo

Emery 🎧

You should go, Tom ☺️

Bebe Ko 😍🕷🕸💖
Okay! 😀
What time will it start?

Amethyst 💐
In half an hour.
I should be getting ready lmao

Victoria 💜
You go ahead.
We'll talk more with everyone else later

Strawberry 🍓
Alright, sounds good.
Later guys!

Rhambo 🕶
Bye guys!

Liam 🎼

Jakester 🎭
Bye *dabs*

Raven 💄
Ew who even are you omg

Kelso 👑
I'm so done with you Jake Short

Jakester 🎭
But you love me 🤨

Amethyst 💐
Sure 😂😘

Jakester 🎭

Also, the party scene that they were talking about won't be in the book. I skipped past that lol 😅

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