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"Those fireworks sure made me hungry." Corey stated as everyone walked towards the middle of Magic Kingdom. "Same. Where's that restaurant you were talking about, Sprayberry?" Billy asked, and Dylan Sprayberry gestured over to a building that was a few feet away from them. "That one. Mickey is hosting tonight. Let's go!" Everyone walked towards the restaurant and walked in, the delicious aroma immediately making everyone's mouth water. It wasn't that crowded, but it was still quite loud. There was a performer performing onstage, singing a mashup of One Direction songs. "Ah, famous people! Welcome! Follow me." The owner, John, excitedly greeted as he grabbed a bunch of menus. As everyone settled down in their seats, John took everyone's orders.

When he was finished with their orders, Amethyst looked around the restaurant with a small smile on her lips, and Kelli sighed in content. "This place is huge and warm. Everyone seems so friendly here." "Yeah. Many reasons to like this place." Dylan O'Brien smiled, and Arden took out her phone to go on social media for a few minutes, along with a few people. Tyler Posey stared at Amethyst with a curious look on his face for a brief moment, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind. Cody Christian must've noticed, because he elbowed Tyler Posey on the arm. "What's up?" "I have an amazing idea later on." Tyler quietly replied, and Cody Christian furrowed his eyebrows before he glanced over at Amethyst. Cody's eyes then widened in realization, and he looks back over at Tyler with an amused smile on his face. "You mean.." "Yep. She has a nice voice. She'll definitely kill it." Tyler smiled, and Colton nodded as if he had heard the entire conversation. "Sounds great."

The food and beverages arrived minutes later, and everyone started digging in their dishes. More performers came and go, entertaining the crowd with their unique performances. Tyler Posey smiled continuously at the thought of Amethyst performing the song she had mentioned she wrote, and he also knew that it might help her get her feelings for Tom across. Not only that she wrote the song for fun, but she had also intended to write that song for Tom.

Tyler Posey got up from his seat, and quickly walked over to Mickey Mouse. "Hey, Mickey!" Tyler greeted, and Mickey excitedly waved. "Listen.. My friend wants to perform a song of hers. Do you mind calling her up onstage?" "Of course we don't mind! What's your friend's name?" John asked happily as he sets his clipboard on top of the piano, and Tyler grinned. "Thank you! And her name is Amethyst. Amethyst Cho." "Oh, the birthday celebrant, huh?" John asked, and Tyler nodded as he glanced over at his table over his shoulder. "Yes." "Awesome! We'll call her up in a few." John smiled, and Tyler waved before he shook John's hand. "Thanks man, I truly appreciate it." "No problem, Tyler!" John replied, and Tyler turned to walk back over to the table.

"What was that about?" Daniel asked, and Tyler shrugged his shoulders with a small grin on his face, taking his seat next to Dylan O'Brien. "You'll see." The current performer onstage was finished performing, and everyone cheered, including Arden and the rest of the crew. John then appeared onstage and grabbed the microphone from the stand. "Okay, here's our next performer! Let's give it up for Arden Cho's little sister and the birthday girl, the beautiful Amethyst Cho!" Amethyst's eyes widened as her heart stopped for a brief second, and everyone at the table was staring at her. "Go, Amethyst!" Zendaya cheered, and Arden gestured for her sister to go onstage, a surprised look on her face. Amethyst slowly got up from her seat and made her way towards the stage, everyone in the restaurant still cheering and clapping.

"First of all, happy birthday, Amethyst!" John began, and Amethyst smiled lightly as her cheeks flushed. "Thank you." "What are you performing for us today?" John asked curiously, and Amethyst bit her bottom lip as she looked around a bit. "May I use your piano?" "Of course you may!" John replied as he pointed to where the piano was, which was at the edge of the stage. Amethyst muttered a quick "Thank you" before making her way towards the piano, avoiding eye contact with everyone at her table. "Uh, hey everyone," Amethyst greeted shyly as she sits down on the piano bench, "I'm gonna be performing an original song I wrote a while back. It's called With You In My Life. Enjoy!"

Amethyst started playing the piano, and Tom's eyes widened slightly as his heart fluttered in his chest. He had no idea Amethyst could sing, or had written a song. Better yet, he had no idea that this song was for him.

"Can this be real?
Could someone tell me please?
That I'm not living in a dream..
I've waited for so long,
I can hardly believe
That love has finally made its way to me..
I have it all in you,
You're my dream come true,
It feels so good to have you here..

With you in my life,
There is nothing I want more..
With you in my life,
By my side forevermore..
All the sorrow and tears of yesterday, have faded away
Now tomorrow looks so bright,
Baby with you in my life..

Holding you near,
My spirits seem to fly..
My heart has finally found a home..
A soft place to land, whenever I fall,
I've finally found someone to call my own..
I have it all in you,
You're my dream come true,
With you, I'll never be alone..

With you in my life,
There is nothing I want more..
With you in my life,
By my side forevermore..
All the sorrow and tears of yesterday, have faded away..
Now tomorrow looks so bright,

With you in my life,
There is nothing I want more..
With you in my life,
By my side forevermore..
All the sorrow and tears of yesterday, have faded away..
Now tomorrow looks so bright,
Baby with you in my life..
Baby with you in my life,
Baby with you in my,

As soon as Amethyst finished singing, she looked down for a brief moment to try to calm the rapid beating of her heart. It was quiet for a few moments, until the entire restaurant erupted into cheers. Some people were crying, while the others were trying so hard to not cry. "That was so beautiful, oh my god." Scarlett replied with a smile, and Elizabeth sniffled as she reaches over for a napkin. "She's amazing. I didn't know that she had it in her." Amethyst quickly stood up from the piano bench and took a bow, grinning from ear to ear as her eyes scan the entirety of the restaurant. Tom smiled and stood up as well, clapping and cheering her on. Amethyst's eyes instantly met Tom's, and her heart started doing gymnastics.

Raven suddenly stood up as well, and she didn't hesitate to grab Tom by the face and kiss him... Again. Arden gasped and quickly stood up, not hesitating to pour her drink all over Raven. Amethyst's eyes widened as tears started to brim her eyes. Raven gasped and pulled away from Tom before she stared down at her drenched clothes in horror. Tom stepped back in anger, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "Raven, what the hell?" Amethyst stepped down from the stage and ran out of the restaurant, making her way towards the hotel.

Tom quickly turned his head, his heart dropping to his stomach when he sees Amethyst leave the restaurant. "Amethyst!" He quickly ran out of the restaurant, and chased after the girl. "Leave me alone!" Amethyst called out over her shoulder, and she continued running. "Amethyst, please." Tom pleaded as he continued to run after her, and Amethyst shook her head as she chokes back a cry. "No! Don't.. Just please, go away." "Amethyst, I can explain. Please stop!" Tom pleaded once again, but Amethyst ignored him, continuing towards the hotel.

The hotel suddenly came into view, and that was when Amethyst sped things up. "Amethyst!" Tom called out, but a huge group of fans started to surround Tom, making him lose sight of Amethyst. When Amethyst arrived at hers and Arden's shared hotel room, she broke down in uncontrollable sobs, sinking down onto her bed with her head buried in her hands.

"I will never be her. He will never love me."


The song above is Liza's original song! Give it a listen if you'd like. I have Tomethyst feelings, bye

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