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[ TW: mentions of sexual assault ]

Amethyst blinked, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Big sister?" Amethyst lowly asked, a shocked expression visible on her face, and Charlotte slowly nodded her head. "Yes, big sister. I came from Manila, just to look for you." Amethyst frowned at her words, her heart sinking in her chest. She glances over at Tom with a look he's never seen before, unsure of what to say. Tom was as equally shocked and confused as she was, and he decided to intervene. He takes a step towards Amethyst and gently grabs her by the arm, giving Charlotte a quick look before diverting his attention back over to his girlfriend. "Get in the car, babe. I'll handle this." Amethyst wordlessly nodded and got inside of Tom's car without giving Charlotte a second glance.

"Um, hello. I'm Tom Holland.. Amethyst's boyfriend." Tom introduces as he turns to look at the young woman, and Charlotte smiled warmly. "Hi. I've heard about you. You're Spider-Man, right?" "That's me." Tom chuckled, and Charlotte's smile grew. "It's nice to meet you, Tom. Um.. I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie. Charlie Reyes." "Nice to meet you, too." Tom replied and Charlie's smile faded a bit as she glances over at the passenger's side window. "She has no idea, huh?"

"You're her real sister?" Tom lowly asked, and the Filipina nodded her head. "Yes, I am. She also has an older brother, but he's in Manila right now." "Oh.. So, I'm guessing that you're a friend of Arden's?" Tom added, and Charlie nodded once again. "Yes. My best friend, actually. We grew up together in Korea before I moved backed to the Philippines to live with my grandparents when I was about ten or so." "What happened?" Tom asked as he furrows his eyebrows, and Charlie lets out a sigh before averting her gaze to the side. "I was wondering if I could tag along? I feel like Amethyst is old enough to know everything. Does she know that she's adopted?"

"Yeah. She told me." Tom replies with a nod of his head, and Charlie nervously clears her throat. "Okay. Well, um.. It's okay if you don't want to, but.. I really want to talk to her and Arden in person. Is it alright with you two?" "No problem at all with me, actually. I don't know about Amethyst though. But, yeah. You can come. We're actually about to head home right now." Tom replied, and Charlie shoots him a warm smile. "Thank you so much, Tom. This means a lot to me." "Anytime. Come on, it's getting late." Tom replies as he shoots her a soft smile before he leads her to his car. Tom opens the back passenger's side door for Charlie, and she got in after thanking him. As Tom jogged over to the driver's side door, Amethyst immediately grabbed his hand as soon as he got in the car.

"Why is she here?" Amethyst whispered with furrowed eyebrows, and Tom buckled in his seatbelt after turning on the engine. "She wants to talk to Arden." Amethyst frowned at his words, and she briefly glances at Charlie from over her shoulder. The older woman was staring out the window, probably trying to avoid any eye contact with her, and Amethyst lets out a soft sigh. "Okay." She whispered, and Tom gently squeezes her hand while shooting her a reassuring smile. Tom drove off, instantly turning on the radio to hopefully drown out the awkward silence the three of them were basking in.

"Charlie?" Arden questioned as she opened the front door, revealing Tom, Amethyst, and Charlie herself. "Hey, Arden." Charlie greeted with a small wave, and Arden didn't hesitate to pull the Filipina in for a hug. "Oh my god, look at you! You've gotten more beautiful than the last time I saw you. Like, what? Five years ago?" "Yeah. You've gotten more beautiful as well! I've missed you." Charlie replies with a giggle, and Arden was the first to pull away, a soft grin visible on her face. "I've missed you too." Arden then glanced over at Amethyst and Tom, who were awkwardly standing at the doorway. "Come in, come in."

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