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"Man, I had fun." Harrison sighed happily as him, Peyton List, Tom, and Raven sat down on a bench. "Same. We should do it again sometime." Raven smiled, and Peyton List mentally rolled her eyes. "Definitely." Tom smiled, and Harrison glanced down at his watch. "Hey. We should be eating lunch now. I'm starving. What do you ladies want?" "Whatever you're having." Peyton replied, and Harrison flashed her a smile. "Okay. Tom, let's go."

Before Tom stood up from his spot on the bench, Raven placed a quick kiss on his cheek, making Tom smile softly. As the two boys walked away, Peyton glared at Raven. "Who do you think you are?" "Excuse me?" Raven asked in surprise, and Peyton fully turned to face her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb."

"Is this about Amethyst?" Raven asked, and Peyton chuckled. "Congrats! You win an award for the biggest brainiac on the planet." "Pey, cut it out. What about Amethyst?" Raven huffed, and Peyton frowned. "Amethyst is my best friend. You used to be our best friend, too. She might have forgiven you for what happened with Kyle, but not me." Before Raven could open her mouth to speak, Peyton held a hand up and continued. "And now, here you are, stealing Tom away from her yet again. You really can't get enough, can you? Whatever Amethyst has, you want it too. But, instead of patiently waiting for something to be yours, you decided to just snatch it away like the greedy bitch you are."

"You bitch." Raven seethed as her eyebrows furrowed in anger, and Peyton shakes her head. "I'm not finished. You stole Kyle away from her. The sad part was that you knew that she was his girlfriend, and instead of being a good friend and realizing how wrong it was, you went along with it. Wasn't Aramis good enough for you? And just when Tom and Amethyst are settling down and getting close, you're gonna swoop in and ruin things? First Kyle, now Tom? Why would Tom go for you? He will eventually find out about why you and Aramis broke up, alongside the whole situation with Kyle. And if you hurt him, Amethyst will break your Barbie doll of a face. Your face will break easily because you are a plastic person, just in case you didn't know that."

"You bitch!" Raven exclaimed, and Peyton smirked as she looks her up and down. "What was that? Last time I checked, I didn't steal your boyfriend away from you." Peyton stood up, and Raven stood up as well, about to lunge for Peyton's blonde hair. Peyton grabbed both of her arms, and stared deep into her eyes. "You hurt Amethyst twice already. Actually, more than that. Hurt her again, and you will definitely be sorry." Peyton then averted her gaze over to the side, her eyes widening when she sees three familiar figures surrounded by a group of fans. "Oh, and by the way? Your Prince Charming is here."

Peyton hastily let go of Raven's hands, and Raven turned around. Her eyes widened in shock as her heart raced rapidly in her chest. Kyle, Emery, and Liam were walking around signing a few autographs with a few fans following them. Tom and Harrison returned, and Peyton walked towards the two boys. "Uh, I'm gonna visit Amethyst at the hotel." "You're leaving already?" Tom asked sadly, and Peyton nodded. "I have a reason. Kyle and the boys are here."

Tom quickly turned to see Kyle and his bandmates walking towards a cotton candy stand. "Shit," Tom hissed, and he quickly gave his food to Raven. "Uh.. I'm sorry Raven, but.. Harrison, you can come if you want. I'm gonna go see Amethyst." "Oh." Raven replied, and Harrison nodded before he turned to look over at Peyton. "I'll come with." "Raven!" Kyle called out, and Raven closed her eyes in defeat. "Shit."

Before she could react, Peyton disappeared with the two boys, leaving her standing in front of the bench, holding onto what was supposed to be hers and Tom's lunch. Kyle paid for the cotton candy and made his way over to her, Emery and Liam following right behind him. "Hello, gorgeous. It's nice to see you again."

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