Chapter 27 - Hot Sauce

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Aaron, Sarah and I watched Edge of Tomorrow again. Sarah and I wanted to watch Blended but since Aaron was paying for the tickets and the food, how could we decline.

I reached home by nine o'clock and trust me I didn't want to go in the house yet.

"You can't just stay in my car for the whole night." Aaron said with a sigh.

"Or maybe I can." I said and smiled innocently at him.

"No, you can't. Seriously, you cannot stay in my car." Aaron frowned.

I sighed and looked at my house. Aaron dropped Sarah off first, maybe because he knew I was going to be this hesitant in going in my own house.

I opened the car door and looked back at Aaron. "Good luck." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I got out the car and closed the door.

Aaron drove away from my house and I looked at his car till it disappeared from my street.

With another sigh, I went to the front door and opened it with my house key.

Here goes nothing.

The house was silent as I entered.

Maybe too silent.

I think this was the calm before the storm. I looked in the living room and found uncle Rick on the couch watching TV.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked him and sat beside him.

"Oh, hey Jack. Your parents had to go to work, it was an emergency or something. And your sisters are upstairs." He answered while drinking his soda.

"And it's this quiet in the house, even with them here?" I was shocked to know that dad wasn't home. But I was even more shocked to know that my sisters were in the house and it was so silent and peaceful.

"Yeah, they're actually asleep. And you should eat dinner. We all ate already." Uncle Rick looked at me and then back at the TV.

"Okay." I went to the kitchen and saw the plate of spaghetti in the oven. I reheated it and then went to my room with it.

As I was passing Ravenna's room, I saw the light open. I peeked inside and saw that she was lying upside down on her bed with a book in her hands.

I didn't want to disturb her so I silently backed away from her door.

I passed by Sandra's room, and her room's light was also lit. Peeking inside just like I peeked in Ravenna's room, I saw that she was painting her nails and talking on the phone with God knows who.

I backed away from her door too and then walked to my room before going in. Sitting down at my study table, I ate my delicious spaghetti.

Hah. Room sweet room.

After eating, I went to put the dirty plate in the sink quickly before going back to my room as I yawned, and that was a sign from my body requesting for some sleep, so I did just that.

With a loud thud I dropped on my bed and let the sleep consume me.


"Come on, jack. Get up for school." Ravenna yelled from the hall way.

With a groan as I got up from my bed and made my way towards the bathroom to do my daily routine.

After getting ready for school, I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Mom was cooking omelets and they smelled wonderful.

"Good morning." I greeted everyone as I sat down on the table. As usual, dad was sitting at the head of the table and uncle Rick was beside him. Ravenna was on dad's other side and I was sitting beside Ravenna.

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