Chapter 11 - Déjà vu

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As instructed by my dearest friend Aaron, we all were gathered in the school parking lot on a Saturday, mind you. We all, as in Miranda, Aaron, Naomi, Lara, some guy named Jason, and I.

Adam had asked Ravenna out and she had – shockingly – accepted while blushing, which was weirder to here. Adam had agreed to take his date someplace else.

Brad and Sarah were taking a hell lot of time to come out the school gates. Since, the school was open on Saturday because of the cubs, Brad told us that he had to go meet with the coach for something basketball related, while Sarah didn't really make any sense as to where she was going. She just ran off, like literally.

And now we all were here waiting for those two to come out. Since we were waiting outside, we started deciding who was going to sit in whose car.

Yesterday I had asked my father if I could go out with my friends and he didn't say anything, so I took that as a yes. You know silence speaks a lot more than we can hear.

I didn't tell my parents that it was actually a group date that I was going on. If I had told him that I was going to go on a group date with my friends, he wouldn't have minded it much, but you know how I had a girl as a date. I don't think he would've taken that lightly.

"Okay, Lara and I are going in my car, while you all decide on your own." Aaron grinned ear to ear as he placed an arm around Lara's shoulder, who just smiled at Aaron's dorky attitude.

"Oh, you just want alone time with Lara." Naomi stated with a straight face, while Aaron nodded his head an agreement.

I had been disinterested in this whole group date thing, but now it was becoming interesting. And there was only one person that was actually making it interesting, and that was Naomi.

Aaron blushed when we all smirked at him.

"Aw, little Aary-Berry's blushing." I cooed teasingly at the guy, getting laughs from the others while Aaron blushed a darker color. It was a stupid nickname but it could've either been Aaron Baron or Aary-Berry, and I chose the one that sounded somewhat cuter.

"Aw, that's a cute pet name. Thanks Jack, you made it easier for me. And here I was trying to make up a cute nickname for him." Lara chimed in with a smirk as she glanced from Aaron to me.

"Oh, don't sweat it. I just love helping people out. You know."

"Are you kidding me? You're really going to call Aaron that. Well, goodbye to his future then." Naomi spoke with amusement as she smirked at how Aaron looked horrified.

"So, Jason what do you do?" Aaron suddenly asked Jason, in an attempt to bring the attention away from him, which somewhat worked as Jason humored him with a smile.

"I work at my dads' garage. Sometimes I fix cars and sometimes I just clean them, you know from the inside. They don't let me do anything else other than that for now." Jason shrugged afterwards.

"Um. Dads? Do you have more than one dad?" Aaron asked quite hesitant.

Jason is this muscly guy. His muscles aren't the type that you build up from going to the gym but the type you just build naturally by working.

Suddenly, a scenario of him lifting up cars popped into my mind as I made it go away.

"Two. But I also have a mom. You know, she gave birth to me and then my dads just took me in." Aaron once again shrugged.

"So, your dads are gay then, right?" Aaron asked looking directly in his eyes.

"They're a couple. You know like lovers." Jason once again shrugged. Something tells me that this guy just loves to shrug.

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