Chapter 25 - Hugs and Handshakes

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Do you know what it feels like to be alone? What it feels like to feel alone? Well, I do. Since the last group meeting, nothing has been the same and I bet it never will.

Sarah, Miranda and Adam still talk to me and we hang out, but it's not the same without the others. We're drifting away from each other and it's all because of me and my secret.

Sometimes I feel like I should tell my family about it and get it over with, but then I hesitate.

I hesitate and think of the worst-case scenario. What if they hate me? What if they kick me out of the house? Or worse, what if they kick me out of their lives?

I could never live without my family even if I tried. I could never live without the people I love and care about.

Right now, lying on my bed all I could think about was where my life was going? Where was it taking me?

Everything was going wrong and I had no idea how to fix it.

Brad's going to tell Ravenna about me being gay and then she'll tell dad and then my whole family will find out.

My aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, everyone. And I could easily imagine the disgust on their faces. The horrible things they would say to me.

The teasing, and name calling wasn't so hard to imagine.

"Wow, you look depressed."

"What are you doing here?" I asked still looking at the ceiling.

"I'm standing here, you dumbass. Not on the ceiling." Ravenna said in a matter of fact tone.

"I know. But what are you doing here?" I asked again but this time turning my head to look at her.

"Well, your door was open and you looked pretty deep in thought there. So, I thought maybe I could come and tease you."

I rolled my eyes before turning over in my bed so that my back was to her now.

"Never show your back to the enemy, didn't you know that."

"Never attack from behind like a coward, didn't you know that."

"Oh, my dear sister has gotten a back bone, huh?" Ravenna said in sarcasm. "Maybe is it because your friends hate you now." She continued.

"It has nothing to do with you, so just leave." I sighed giving up on this conversation.

"Oh, come on. I want to chat with my sister." She whined.

"Yeah right. Why don't you do that with Sandra? I don't want to talk to you."

"Oh, you will want to." She said with a smirk before going away.

What was all that about? Evil overlord.



Stupid brain.


Thursday came too fast and here I was sitting in chemistry class. The teacher was as usual boring and I couldn't even concentrate on what he's saying.

After 45 minutes of constant boredom, I got out of the class room, walking beside Sarah. Since all hell had broken loose and everyone had opted to avoid me, Sarah and I had been growing closer.

We hung out a lot and well she made me feel like a high-school girl.

Well duh. You are a high-school girl.

What I meant to say was that, she makes me feel like a girlie high-school girl.

Psh, yeah.

"So, do you want to eat lunch with me?" Sarah asked as we made out way to the cafeteria.

"Yeah, sure."

"Good because Aaron will be there too."

"What? He knows that I'm gonna be sitting with you at lunch, right?" I asked, facing her with a questioning stare.

"Yeah, he does. He wanted to apologize to you." She sighed out.

"What for?"

"For being a jerk." She said with anger, which made me smile a little.

"He doesn't need to. I already forgave him. Besides I would've done the same thing he did, if I was in his place."

"You would have blamed your best friend for your breakup with the girl you love." She cocked an eyebrow, and I had to admit inside of my head, how hot she looked.

"If it were the same situation." I shrugged.

"Well, whatever the situation. He is going to say sorry to you."

"I'm starting to think that, you convinced him to apologize to me." I pointed at her with a frown.

"What? No. Psh, why would I do that?" She said while avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, you're so convincing." I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"Whatever." She flipped her hair before entering the cafeteria.

Huh. What a girl.

I know.

I entered the cafeteria and went over to the lunch line. After getting a chicken sandwich, I went over to the table where Sarah was sitting with Aaron. I just went over to her and sat beside her, before eating in silence.

Wow. Tough crowd.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore." Aaron started.

Sarah and I look up to him with our whole attention.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I didn't know what I was doing in anger. And if it wasn't for you, I would have never grown a backbone and I never would have asked Lara out on a date. So, I'm sorry." He said in one breath.

"I'm sorry too. I always make something bad happen." I apologized to him too as I smiled at him.

"Well, now you both should hug and shake hands." Sarah said clasping her hands together in delight.

"That's for kids not for men." Aaron replied.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the fact that he called me a man.

"But I think a hug and a hand shake won't be that bad." I said to him.

"Yeah. I missed you a lot buddy." Aaron said coming over to hug me.

"Now there you go. Now you're just boys not men." Sarah said happily.

"You called me a boy and he called me a man. Are you both kidding me?" I said after letting go of Aaron.

They both laughed at me. They laughed at me.

"Oh, shut up Jacky." Aaron shut me up and I rolled my eyes again.

Well at least we became friends again.

What I didn't know was that there was a person I considered a friend that was doing everything they could to hurt me.

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