Chapter 5 - Do you want to stare at me all day?

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Sarah's Point of view:

"Ms. Sarah please wake up. You have to get up for school or you'll be late." That was the first thing I heard as I woke up. Karla, my caretaker, gave me a small smile as she looked at me.

She didn't have to say that twice since I was up from the bed in a matter of seconds. I disliked being late for school. It wasn't because I hated detention – well that too – but the real reason was that I enjoyed taking classes.

I made my way to the bathroom where I readied myself for a shower.

It only took me a while for the shower and after the soothing shower, I brushed my teeth before dressing myself in a pale floral dress with matching flats. I liked the dress Karla had picked out for me today as I exited the bathroom with a satisfied smile on my face.

Going over to my vanity, I made my hair and put on light makeup.

After I was completely ready for school, I went downstairs for breakfast.

Just like always, when I got to the dining room, my breakfast was already on the table and my parents were nowhere to be seen. It wasn't surprising anymore since I had gotten used to their sudden business trips and work excuses.

I sighed whilst sitting on a chair. "Your parents told me that they were going to be away for the week, Ma'am." Karla spoke with a sad smile as I nodded in response.

Karla had been taking care of me since I was 7. My parents hired her as a nanny but then she became my caretaker because my parents were rarely at home because of their jobs.

She didn't have a family of her own back then and that was part of the reason why she had agreed to take care of me and even live with us. She would always tell me that my parents and I were the only ones closest to a family for her. Karla was now close to the age of 60 and I could tell that she would sooner or later be too old to take care of me.

"Thank you, Karla." I smiled at her as I tanked her. She really was such a wonderful person and I really adored her. Karla bowed her head a little before leaving me to my breakfast. I sighed to myself before turning to the plate of scrambled eggs and toast.

My parents never inform me that they would be leaving for a business trip and I would always find out from Karla.

I ate my breakfast silently, taking in the loneliness that surrounded me. My eyes trail to the clock on the wall, and I sigh again as I push away the half-eaten plate.

"Karla, I'm leaving!"

"Okay, drive carefully and have a good day, ma'am!"

I heard Karla call back to me as I pick up my bag from one of the dining table chairs. I guess Karla brought it down for me so I wouldn't forget.

Walking over to the front door, I picked up my car keys from the key bowl, before exiting the house.

Going over to my car parked in the driveway, I shivered slightly because of the coldness in the air.

I should've worn a jacket.

I unlocked my car before getting in and immediately starting it up. School was just a few minutes away from my house so it didn't take long for me to get there.

Putting the car in drive, I drove out of the driveway and onto the road.

It literally took me a few minutes to get to the school building, and I used those few minutes to just think about a lot of things. One of them was the person that I saw just as I drove into the parking lot of the school.

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